how to reg rid of rosacea


How do you get rid of rosacea?
I was told that organic spirulina powder from purechimp can be helpful for me, have you ever tried it?
How does it work?


It's up to you how much effort you want to put into caring for your health and your skin.
Learn what your own personal food & environmental "triggers" are and avoid them so you can avoid flare-ups of redness and acne. (many people find food with histamines aggravate the redness)


New Member
As I see purechimp provides their natural super cream at affordable price and it's recommended by pharmacist Gareth Evans.
And all its components are natural. Try it to see how it works.


New Member
As I see the price of pure chimp natural cream isn't expensive compering to the other companies.
There are many nice reviews of its usage in the Internet and it seems to me you should try it to see how good it is.


Thanks for all your input, dudes.
I have decided to try pure chimp natural cream to see if it's as good as it's spoken about.
Its price is not high.