How would ur baby react to loud noise ?


My baby will kick me every time I play S.E.N.S. palace memories. I think he enjoys the music, but DH said maybe the music bass too loud and wake him up. He'll be active throughout the song play, still thinking if the music irritate him? :bskeptical:


Active Member
When I go clubbing my bb no reaction.. So far watched movie once - the avengers - and bb started kicking away halfway thru the show, until my bag will jump on my bump.. Hubby plays diablo on speaker so loud.. Until I say wait ur bb recognize the diablo demon voice instead of urs!! :p cos he hardly talk to bb.. I will talk n sing to bb though :)
I learnt from Mrs Wong's lesson that loud noises like lion dance or movies are okay as long as they are not directly played or near your tummy. She said something about the air reducing the sound waves thus by the time the sound reaches the baby, it will be softer.

However, she doesn't encourage the use of bellybuds as the sound may be too loud for the babies. I bought one before I attended her class. Now I don't dare to use them :(


My son was very whingey and threw loud tantrums while I was pregnant. His voice is very loud! Baby turned out fine. In fact she can sleep through any noise while we are out.. :)

Apart from crying toddlers, I think avoid putting loud sound directly on tummy is best... Unless you play musical instruments I guess that's different. I played guitar a lot while pregnant with my son...he loved it and still does :p