I can help u!

Dearest fellow mummies and daddies, I'm not an agent, just a stay home mummy who been through lots of up and downs, during my house hunting, met diff kind of disappointments from diff agents, couldn't get my dream home till now I met an aunty who motivates me to help!

So I'm here to help, I have a female friend who just started her career as an agent with the same goals like me, we wanna help to house hunting for those with a budget, we will try our best to get u yr dream home with yr budget, but if I can't, I will tell u directly than to lie and mislead u like how I got treated previously...

I wanted to be an agent too but my qualifications can't take the course so I only can help u house hunting and my friend will bring u to view. No worries, u can ask me anything.. If I can help , I will ! From the bottom of my heart!