I hate living with PIL!!!


Active Member
i oso give in n give up alot for this marriage.. so when the time came for me to blow up, i blew up at everyone.. for awhile, PIL became "understanding", SIL gif me black face, DH quarreled with me, PIL scold DH etc etc.. but things went back to square 1 after tat "awhile"... i oso loss.. dunno wat to do.... juz trying my best to tc DD n make sure she got at least the min. necs..


Well-Known Member
sean tan, i think its time for u to make a stand.
a firm one.
there is no wrong in gg back to visit your parents.
afterall, THEY r your parents.
tell your sis in law that YOUR parents also bring u up for so many yrs n pls, what is call married out means shldnt go back so often?
why she so old fashion?
it's a FREE WORLD here, hello!
shld knock come sense into her.
tell her it's your life, n tts your DD, u can choose to go where u want to, live where u want to, do what u want to, no one can control it, not even your dh! who is she to tie u down n control your life? u r married to your DH, not sold to their family leh!
she really damn one kind, if im u, she sure kena from me big time. ask her to go back to her family(her dh side) n mind her own blardy business!

as for your DH, do hv a good talk with him.
he nvr contact u, make an effort to contact him n talk it out.
he's sandwiched btw u n his family (whats more, his own mother), so he's in a difficult spot too.
talk to him with an open heart n mind, dun keep thinking, u give in so much n u did so much if not very difficult to keep a clear mind.
move out if u must, sometimes, need to be firm n decisive n maybe a lil hard hearted to let things go your way, if not, how to live happily?

JMHO. :)


i also give in and give up alot for this marriage.. so when the time came for me to blow up, i blew up at everyone.. for awhile, parent in law became "understanding", sister In law give me black face, dear husband quarreled with me, parent in law scold dear husband etc etc.. but things went back to square 1 after that "awhile"... i also loss.. dont know what to do.... just trying my best to tc dear daughter and make sure she got at least the min. necs..
my mil sure noe hw to act one. tat wat i thought too, if i giv in nw again, things wil oli b "nice" for a while, sooner or lata, everythin wil be bk to square 1... n den i hv to endure endure n endure again....


sean tan, i think its time for you to make a stand.
a firm one.
there is no wrong in gg back to visit your parents.
afterall, THEY are your parents.
tell your sis in law that YOUR parents also bring you up for so many yrs and pls, what is call married out means shldnt go back so often?
why she so old fashion?
it's a FREE WORLD here, hello!
shld knock come sense into her.
tell her it's your life, and tts your dear daughter, you can choose to go where you want to, live where you want to, do what you want to, no one can control it, not even your dear husband! who is she to tie you down and control your life? you are married to your dear husband, not sold to their family !
she really damn one kind, if im you, she sure kena from me big time. ask her to go back to her family(her dear husband side) and mind her own blardy business!

as for your dear husband, do have a good talk with him.
he never contact you, make an effort to contact him and talk it out.
he's sandwiched btw you and his family (whats more, his own mother), so he's in a difficult spot too.
talk to him with an open heart and mind, dont keep thinking, you give in so much and you did so much if not very difficult to keep a clear mind.
move out if you must, sometimes, need to be firm and decisive and maybe a lil hard hearted to let things go your way, if not, how to live happily?

JMHO. :)
i have been tnkin for quite sometime too, i want to be FIRM, and i must be firm, what i reali want is to move out, less seein, less conflict. but they dont understand, kept sayin mother is old alre.... mother tis and mother that.... HW BOUT ME? and hubby side alre say. once you decided to move out, you chop off e family line and that's it.

I also want to tok to hubby, tis few days, he did cum to my house, to c dear daughter. then at nite, he'll g back hm... days... DAYS.... we just kept quiet when we c each other, nth nth NTH.... tok nth at all. he always fel that things is as simple as ABC... is heart pain, sad, he also like dont bother at all. mayb like what you say, one day, i must reali have a good tok, and hopefully i will do that and e tok turns out well... coz i dont know whether to tok to him a not, as he say before, he doesnt want to tok bout tis issue.... :(