I have no dry skin any more


New Member
This is how I have put a stop to my annoyingly dry & irritated skin

Daily a multivitamin once a day (make sure it contains B vitamins)
Drink plenty of water. I tend to look at the colour of my wee to see if i'm hydrated or not.
Use purechimp super body cream
Increased omega 3 in my diet. You could always use a supplement.
Purchased a humidifier for my bedroom.


New Member
I want to add to the above-said that purechimp products were created to help improve the skin from the inside and outside. This is the best way to get long term results in cleansing your skin.


New Member
Just applying pure chimp products makes my skin clear and smooth. I am fond pf this company as they are the best for my skin.


I am using Essenzza Health products in my skin to make it glowing and beautiful. Their facial mask really works well on my skin it hydrates and rejuvenate my skin after using it. I feel that my skin becomes smooth, soft and brighter. Their mask has three varieties and they also have natural facial cleansing wipes that can be used in all skin type.