infrequent urination


hi mummies,

my six month old boy had a fever with cough 2weeks ago. he has the usual wet diapers. his fever is gone now but still has the cough and wheezing(has had wheezing since birth). been giving him the meds but still coughing. i noticed his hands are always warm. but his temperature is fine tho. and i started noticing that he doesn't wet his diapers as frequent.
i used to change his diaper at least twice every night. but now i only changed once. and it's like he only peed once. in the mornings usually by mid day i'd have to change him. but now i only change him much later. even then his diaper is not really wet.

his poo is ok too. regular pasty type every 2-3 days.

he's drinking as normal. a little bit less sometimes. but still he's hydrated. he also started eating heinz custard.

could it be a UTI? or due to his illness?
i'm bringing him to the same PD tomorrow for his cough and definitely bringing up about the infrequent urination.