Inverted Nipples


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hi all .. Im new here and i'll be expecting my first child on this coming May 2010(very excited !)


A question:
Any mums or mums-to-be having inverted or flat nipples problem ? Or is it a problem at the first place when it comes to breast feeding ? Pls advice . :err:


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hi all .. Im new here and i'll be expecting my first child on this coming May 2010(very excited !)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]:Dancing_wub: [/FONT]

A question:
Any mums or mums-to-be having inverted or flat nipples problem ? Or is it a problem at the first place when it comes to breast feeding ? Pls advice . :err:
[/FONT] too expecting my 2nd baby end of May..yupp,im having an inverted nipple problem,but i still continue BF my 1st child,fully BF for the 1st six mths,initially had a very bad sore ard the nipple,but after abt a mth,milk flow was ok n baby also manage to suck shudnt be a problem,just let the baby to suckle most of the tyme,then u will overcome the problem..gud luck..:)


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hi all .. Im new here and i'll be expecting my first child on this coming May 2010(very excited !)

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]:Dancing_wub: [/FONT]

A question:
Any mums or mums-to-be having inverted or flat nipples problem ? Or is it a problem at the first place when it comes to breast feeding ? Pls advice . :err:
i think u better seek help from a lactation consulation, cos i think have to wear some shield one


New Member
hihi all lovely mummies and new to motherhood 2 ; )

just went to my gynae and she told me that my nipples are short..hence will be a prob for future bf....she told me to massage, press and pull out the nipple gently everyday during shower...does this method really works??


hihi all lovely mummies and new to motherhood 2 ; )

just went to my gynae and she told me that my nipples are short..hence will be a prob for future bf....she told me to massage, press and pull out the nipple gently everyday during shower...does this method really works??
For best result, my lactation consultation recommended me Avent Nipplette but you need to constantly use it so that the nipple will slowly stick out. need alot of perserverance and determination.:)


Active Member
happiebb, how may months are u preg? its not adviseable to use the nipplette in late stage of preg as it might trigger contraction so its better for u to check with the LC first before using it. i have one to let go. PM me if you're interested.

one of my nipples is partially inverted and partially flat. i've managed to latch my boys but it takes lots of practices for both mother and child. in addition, the baby might also prefer the other breast since its easier to latch on. thus the determination and perservance to continue to breastfeed is very important. do also ensure that u get all the help u can get from the LC when u deliver. i'm still using football hold to latch quan on the breast which i'm having problem with.


Active Member
the LC mentioned that its better to start using around week 20. i didnt get to use as i had premature contraction and was not suitable to use.


I too have inverted nipples on one side of my breast. Problem I faced after my boy was born was that he simply REFUSED to latch on to that breast. Rather, he would favour the other one with the 'normal' nipple, and would fuss and scream should I try to latch him on the inverted nipple.

So no choice but to use only one breast to feed him and express the other at every feeding. But, once he reached 1 1/2 months, my little one has no problem latching on to the problematic breast as his suction power has become better or he has simply learn the art of breast feeding?

Still recommendation of the nipple shield will be a much better solution provided one can use it.