Is it a must for 1 year old baby to be able to clap hand/ wave bye bye???


Dear mummies, I brought my son to the polyclinic for his 1 year check up and the nurses said that he must be able to clap hand or wave bye bye on his own. If he still do not know how to do that by the time he is at his 13th month, we will need to bring him back for assessment again..

I am very curious as to whether is this a must for all babies who reach 1 year old??? *Worried*


I'm not too sure if it's a must for them to learn to wave bye bye and clap their hands but waving bye bye was my baby's first action. Then he started to imitate our actions like clapping and "smacking" his head. And it doesn't happen overnight. We repeatedly did those actions till one day he just did it on his own. When I went for his one yr check, the nurse did ask if he was able to wave bye bye.

Refer to ur health booklet. By 15th mth, there are a few actions they must be able to do so I'm planning to train him.


Did the doc go thru the health booklet? Read thru health booklet to see wat they assess.