Is it painful to pass motion after birth?


I had my c-section. Before operation, the nurse applied the Fleet in my anus to clear my bowel. After delivery, I couldn't "do big business" at all. Then I request the doctor for some medicine such that I could pass motion because I felt my bowel was full and felt really uncomfortable. The nurse inserted a "bullet" into my anus on the morning of the day I discharged (3rd day after delivery) but I still couldn't pass motion in the rest of the day. I couldn't tolerate the uncomfortable feeling in my bowel then I asked my mother to apply the Fleet again for me. After sitting on the toilet bowl for an hour pushing and moaning painfully, I passed a very big piece of faeces finally! I felt super tired after that. It was really memorable for me because I didn't feel any pain at all from my delivery but from passing motion after delivery!