Is it required to go with D & C ?


New Member
Hello all ,
I am a mummy (32 years) with 2.5 years old daughter .. I always had PCOS and Thyroid . My thyroid is under control .. … never had any complications during or after my pregnancy. But suddenly In January this year I started bleeding heavily for a month almost and did not stop . I went to my Gyne and he checked I am not pregnant and gave northerstone to stop . After 2.5 months I got my periods and started heavily again , almost a month .. This time Gyne gave same medicine and advised to go to D&C surgery soon . I am having plans for my 2[SUP]need[/SUP] baby. The question is did anyone have to go through this D&C surgery for heavy bleeding ? I am scared that my gyne says to do D&C to check I am not having womb cancer and I heard that D&C surgery had some risks causing infertility as well .. Can anyone shed some light on this please ? thanks..​