Is this for mummy only?


New Member
Hi... I was a long time member of your forum, almost a year i guess... I'm just wondering if this forum is exclusively for mum? Lol

Me and my wife are busy working, and i am the one who is more busy reading your forums and discuss it to her :) Do you think it's normal? hahaha




New Member
hey no worries. we have fathers and mothers in this forum ;)
Thanks.. appreciate that... i thought it's kinda weird to read a girl-talk thingy :)

.... to all father out there.. where are you? come and let's talk about for-the-boys- only thingy...

- Vinz


Hi! :) We are a group of university students in Singapore, and are conducting focus groups for mummies who have celebrated their children's first month/1st year birthdays before. We are really interested to hear what you have to say about the celebration and cakes, so do help us by joining if you can make it.

It will be held tomorrow (Friday 1st Nov) in the Bras Basah area, at 7pm. A small token of appreciation will be given ($20 cake voucher from a local bakery, and light refreshments like cake will be provided).

Do let me have your hp number or text me if you can attend, so that I can give you the full details! :):)
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hello Vinz,

Yes in this forum only mummies is required, sound so weird coz your a boy and it for girls,
Anyways, as long as you share this to your wife,then let share your story...:tlaugh:
Well, MummySG may generally cater to mummies but we don't prohibit anyone from joining especially that our forum doesn't only talk about pregnancy, motherhood and girly stuff. You would see a lot of dads talking about apps in here and we, from MummySG also share and post things related to parenthood and some daddy stuff.:) Our admin, Edy, is also a dad himself.

We welcome you with open arms. Welcome to MummySG!


Mostly its required for mummies, but as part of family its aloud here, and lets start sharing our experience. :):001_302:



Its exclusively for mummies, but if you would join. then lets share:) Its okay no worries :)
Just enjoy the forum, you will learn lot of things here ! :)