iPhone-Free LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories


New Member
I have seen lots of the students/parents use this App.


You can download it here - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/learnenglish-kids-phonics/id523047824?ls=1&mt=8


Learn how to speak and spell English words with super space spies Sam and Pam.

LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories is a set of interactive stories designed to help children who are learning to read and speak English.

Based on the UK phonics programme, Letter and Sounds, LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories not only uses phonics to develop reading and spelling but also helps your child improve their listening and pronunciation by focussing on a different set of sounds in each story. Collect all the stories to learn the sounds of English.

LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories is suitable for young learners learning English as a foreign language and for developing literacy skills for bilingual, multilingual and English speaking children around the world.

Have fun learning English with Sam and Pam!

Please share your experience!

