Left Hander or Right Hander


Well-Known Member
Probably after 3 yo? They'll show a preference for using 1 hand to reach out and do things.


Hi, how and when do we know our baby is left hander or right hander? Thanks
My baby chews her right hand more than left hand. so my bet is she's a rightie. :001_302: My Dad is a leftie though. My sis & I have some degree of ambidexterity.

Most of time, kids will start to show hand preference by
18 mth. Development of hand dominance is usu completed by 6 years.

Infants below 1 year old should not show hand dominance as it may mean problems in brain maturation. The condition may manifest as dyspraxia or motor disorder.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Babies have to learn to use all limbs well; they only need to make a choice when they learn writing, use equipment (eg. scissors), etc. when older.

My mum & I are ambidextrous while my hubby is right-handed. Baby's left hand is a little more quicker than his right (reaches for spoon with left hand most of the time). He made his first baby sign for 'milk' with right hand though.

Encourage the use of both hands so that both his left and right brain will develop.

Mummy to BabyV
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Well-Known Member
u can start to observe when she starts on her motor skills.
like which hand she uses more often to hold things.
for pin, she uses both hands, even when she draw/colour/eat she uses both hands but i do notice she uses her left hand more often than right, so i'm pretty convinced she will be a leftie. but then again, i might be wrong, still too young to judge. :)


New Member
Thanks all mummies for your info. recently i noticed that my gal uses her left hand often than right hand and she is only 4 mths old. like what you suggest, i must encourage them to use both hands. must let mny hubby knows. thanks again


Well-Known Member
4 mths is still too young to judge at all.
wait til she is abt 1 yo then u can start to observe.
but i think leftie/rightie doesnt really matter, let nature take its course. :)