List of items to prepare for arrival of baby.. =)


Hi all.. just wanna share with some new mummies with e list i hav prepare for myself.. Hope it helps.. =) and also do add on if you think there's other things needed.. Sory if some of the item might confuse you cos i dont really know what e name called for certain items..

Things to buy/prepare for baby arrival


-Avent milk bottle steriliser
-Avent milk bottles (125mlx3, 260mlx2, 330mlx1)
-Avent pacifier (0-6months)
-Pacifier Clip
-Avent Thermabag
-Bottle detergent
-Bottle Brush
-Fomular milk
-Vacuum Flask
-Milk dispenser
-Cloths for wiping mouth/burping
-Extra Teats and diff sizes
-Avent Breast Pump
-Nipple Cream
-Breast Pad


-Bath tub
-Anti Slip Mat
-Baby shampoo & shower Gel
-Drapoleane nappy cream
-Pigeon Baby powder
-Ru Yi Oil
-Vic Rub
-Johnson baby lotion
-Bath sponge
-Cloths for face, Body and buttock
-Cotton bud and Cotton wool
-Nail Cutter
-Comb or brush
-Olive oil for hair
-Cloths Diaper
-Wet Wipes
-Laundry Detergent
-Baby towel
-Changing Mat


-Beanie Pillow
-Mattress for cot
-New sheets for mattress
-Stomach Binder

-Few sets of sleeping clothes


-Baby Walker
-Yao Lan
-Car Seat
-Pram comforter (for baby to lie on)
-Safety belt sponge

Things to bring on delivery day

-One set of discharge clothes
-One set for baby clothes
-Receiving blanket
-Mittens & Socks & soft hats
-Sanitary Pads (a lot)
-Disposable panties (a lot)
-Jacket/ Sweater
-Sleep wear ( long pants, button top)
-Front button gowns for breast feed at hospital

For him
-One set changing clothes
-Jacket/ Sweater
-His perfume (very impt =p)

-Hp charger
-Camera plus Charger
-Toothbrush & Toothpaste
-Facial Wash
-Shampoo & Shower Gel
-Money for hospital bill :tlaugh:


for mine ~~
feeding -
Dr brown bottle
Avent sterilliser
Avent pacifier
Pacifier clip
Bottle brush
Pigeon liquid cleanser for bottle , toys , pacifier
Enfalac - fm
Tollyjoy breast pump n breast pad

bathing / cleaning / washing -
Anti slip mat
Johnson's baby shampoo and body shampoo
Bepanthen nappy cream
Ru yi oil
Hankerchief 2 dozen
Towel 1 dozen
Mamy poko diapers
Changing mat
Pigeon detergent

Sleeping / clothes -
Long sleeves
Short sleeves
Long pants
Mittens and botties
Spring cot
Mattress cot

Misc -
Graco carseat
Bertoni stroller

Things to bring on delivery day - c-sec
3pcs cloth
3pcs sarong
Sanitary pad
Dispossable panty
Discharge cloth
3 set of my dear son cloth - also not enough , my boy vomit alot milk.
Formula milk i bring my own
Blanket for dear son
Handkerchief for dear son
Mittens and botties
Toothbrush and toothpaste
i din take bath there , so din bring shampoo ,

erm ~~~ i guess thats all ~~



Adding on:

- Make-up (if you wanna look good when receiving visitors)
- Marriage cert & ICs (if you wanna make baby's BC)
- Gynae bills (if you wanna claim medisave)

can i check with u, what u mean by gynae bills? n we can make a claim in e hosp? how to go abt it? sorry first time mum la.. hehe.. thanks.. :001_302:
felzdown, we can claim up to $450 from medisave for check-up/consultation fees during pregnancy so you might wanna bring the receipts.
may i ask how many clothes for newborn should i prepare??
bought a dozen set of newborn size and 3 pajamas, should be enough right?? and i did buy a few other in bigger size.
also how many mittens should i get?? how long do they have to wear it??


may i ask how many clothes for newborn should i prepare??
bought a dozen set of newborn size and 3 pajamas, should be enough right?? and i did buy a few other in bigger size.
also how many mittens should i get?? how long do they have to wear it??

i think your preparation is enuff.

just example for my case, my girl quite big size, end up a lot cannot wear.. she wear bigger size want. ( she 3.6kg at birth )

i normally change her pyjamas once per day but smtimes after feed she vomit milk then i have to wipe her and change her pyjamas again. probably another pyjamas will b ok.

mmm mittens better if buy about 6 or 8. i change 1 in the morning and another pair at night.. oh and dont buy got holes want. i bought 1 got holes and dear daughter scratch her face and scream. got scar but heal already.
i still let my daughter wear mittens although advise when reach 2 months dont wear mittens.. she everytime wipe her face when she tired, i scared she scratch her face again. so depends on your baby bah.


my dear son is now 3 month , i still let him wear mitten n botties , i also scare he scratch his face , i dun dare to cut his nail also , new born dun hv to buy alot , very fast cant wear , i also buy alot new born for my boy , second month cant wear liao , cos he is 4.12kg when born , when he is 2 month he wear 3-6mth cloth ..
baby grow very fast ..


felzdown, we can claim up to $450 from medisave for check-up/consultation fees during pregnancy so you might wanna bring the receipts.

I paid $550 total for e whole checkup/ultrascan and paid $100+ for the detail scan.. both can claim? but i think i lost e receipts.. hmmm..


Active Member
may i ask how many clothes for newborn should i prepare??
bought a dozen set of newborn size and 3 pajamas, should be enough right?? and i did buy a few other in bigger size.
also how many mittens should i get?? how long do they have to wear it??
My BB changes about 4-5 times a day (depending on how often her clothes/mittens get stained by her puke/milk). I also changes her clothes and mittens once we reaches home from outside.
thanks for the reply everyone, i think i'll stick to a dozen newborn clothes for now and maybe buy 3-6mth sizes from now.

how about milk bottles?? i bought 3 125ml and 1 90ml, is it enough??
I paid $550 total for e whole checkup/ultrascan and paid $100+ for the detail scan.. both can claim? but i think i lost e receipts.. hmmm..
i think just bring the receipts, but i heard only can claim up to $450 and the amount usually used to offset the hospital bill. you can ask your gynae to re-issue receipts, should be no problem.


New Member
Alamak, it is a chinese brown oil that is normally applied on the baby's tummy after shower to get rid of the wind (ru-yi is the brand name). You can buy it from the pharmacy or even supermarket


ru yi oil is very good for babies .. sometimes my dear son suddenly cry without anything .. i always rub ru yi oil at his tummy .. then he fart alot ~~~~ ~~
Seems to be so much things that got to bring. And i haven't even start packing yet. I am in deep trouble... baby coming out soon