Looking for Slimming Treatments that shows Realistic Results


New Member
A lot of people want results fast and easy every time. I learn that the body cannot take and adapt to so much drastic and sudden changes. I'm looking for a centre that can deliver lasting treatments. Those that can for years without me going back every week. Something that will show results but realistically. Not those "Lose 2kg in a week" kind of places.

Anyone here know of such a place????


New Member
My friend just told me of such a place!! She told me that can refer a friend and get some free or discount on treatments. I link her this post. She say she reply when she reach home. Hope we can go tgt and refer each other! Haha


New Member
Hi Rochelle! I've been going to SHOU for the past few months and i lost about....3kg-ish?? But seems like a lot more when i look in the mirror Haha. Ya there is also this friend ref thing. Its more worth it cause you can save a lot for the first few treatment. Can go see their website


New Member
That sounds quite reasonable leh. Not like that london weight mgmt... showing someone lost 20kg?!! But i'm still not so sure. I'm scared that they will make me sign those kind of 20 treatment session package.


New Member
The stomach actually takes 20 minutes to “figure out” that it’s full, so eat slowly, eat less and loss weight.


New Member
hi rochelletan ,u can still lose weight n get healthy by without goin down to those centres. eating right n the more u eat the more u lose. :)


New Member
Hi there,

I tried everything but I only got realistic results with Reductil 15mg. I lost all my extra weight one year ago and since that time haven't gain any weight back.

If interested I can share more ;)


New Member
Yeah i read about that too. I am a slow eater in general but it doesn't seem to work too. It could be low metabolism


New Member
hi jaclyn, thanks for the support! I try all kinds of diets already but like still the same... Anyway, i will go down to SHOU this week cause i heard they have a free enquiry and trial. And i won't bring my credit card just in case Lol.


New Member
Hi Rochelle! When are you going down to SHOU?? Let's go tgt? Haha if ydm la. I PM you my number! Hope to hear from u soon


New Member
Pei Pei!! Thanks for getting in touch with me. I'm quite satisfied after going for the free trial! Their analysis was so helpful and thanks to you, i get one free treatment + my first treatment after that can get 50% off! Let's go tgt again with van! Haha


New Member
So sorry i didn't join you and peipei at SHOU last week. Was damn busy running errands here and there... But i'll make myself free the next time! See you soon gurlz!


New Member
Hi there. Thanks for the details! But i had a very positive first experience at SHOU and they also have the similar fat freezing treatment. I think i will stick with them from now. Thanks anyways! :)


New Member
Hi there. Good for you! Everyone has their own method of slimming down. Mine is definitely with SHOU! Glad you found your method too. Just like to know like how long did it take for you to see results?


Actually Reductil is a realistic result for everyone, isn't it mums???

I used it after my both pregnancies as I was not able to shift any weight by myself.

And guess what mummies?! I'm pregnant again!!! :) :) :)

Hope to not gain a lot of weight this time but who knows.... Happy that reductil still can be found online on cheapmeds4u.com :)
I would like to share my journey with a 30 days slimming program that I went through to shed my postpartum weight. It was a very simple journey for me as I had a consultant who would tend to me 24/7 and whenever I needed her she would be there for me as well as their nutritionist. It was a very simple program where I just needed to take 2 types of sachet drink and 2 types of tablets without any compulsory exercise or diet restriction which resulted in me losing almost 8kg in 1 month and ultimately achieving a lean body physique as well as a nicer body figure. Truly fascinating stuff and if you guys are interested, do let me know and I will drop her contact here to share the joy with everyone.
If you are looking to shed body fat? Try these tips:
  1. Whole Foods: Opt for minimally processed foods like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  2. Portion Control: Use smaller plates, measure servings, and listen to hunger cues.
  3. Balanced Meals: Include carbs, protein, and healthy fats at each meal for stable energy.
  4. Limit Sugars: Reduce sugary drinks, sweets, and refined carbs.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink water to support metabolism and avoid unnecessary snacking.
  6. Fiber-Rich Foods: Eat fruits, veggies, whole grains, and legumes to stay full.
  7. Mindful Eating: Eat slowly and pay attention to hunger and fullness.
  8. Plan Ahead: Plan meals and snacks to avoid unhealthy choices.
Consistency is key. Make small, sustainable changes and be patient. Trust the process!