Low Milk Suppy


New Member
Hi Mummies out there, I need help. My BB is coming a year and he stopped taking milk directly about 4 mths back. I have been pumping exclusively and now even with domperidone and fenugreek tea 3 x day my 2 hrly milk supply is only 60-70mls. Any advise? I tried the Sacred Tea that was great but very costly. I am hoping there are mummies out there that have faced a similiar situation and can share their experience with me. I plan to pump as long as I can. I am using Medela Mini. Thanks. Grateful Mummy.


Sorry I am not a pumper...but I have heard that oats, linseed and brewer's yeast are good for increasing supply and it is a more cost effective alternative. I add these ingredients to make muffins...you could make cookies out of them too.. or you can eat oat porridge and add in ground up linseed.

Hope that helps :)


New Member
Thanks I will try linseed and brewers yeast cos I am taking oats every day and pumping 2-3 hrly. About to give up.


New Member
Hi Janet,

You might want to consider ordering our lactation cookies - home made and baked with premium organic ingredients.
Organic ingredients such as brewer's yeast, oats, flaxseed.. So you don't have to spend any more money on any other supplements to boost your supply.

With a proven record that it works. It increases both quantity and quality of breastmilk.

Our cookies are all bite sized for your convenience and makes a great healthy snack any time of the day.

Our prices are
Buy S$50/- each (approx. 350g to 400g - depending on the flavour)
We have 3 flavours to choose from. ( Original / Cranberry / Chocolate Chips )

Nov Promotion
Buy 2 containers and get the 3rd one at 50% discount.
So you pay ONLY $125.

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3 containers will arrange singpost ($8/- per delivery)
Buy 10 containers free delivery

We also have a referral program just to reward you and that is for any friends referred successfully to us you get 15% off your next purchase.

Now our cookies are even recommended to many other new mums who share the same problem as you, by Mother & Child at Tanglin Mall.

If you have any enquiries or would like to order, you can send an SMS to 9029 5918.



Janet, your baby is 1 year old? At this stage the dependency on your milk will not be that much. Maybe just offer whatever that u can pump and the rest of the baby diet can be supplemented by solid food.