Maid or baby sitter after birth?


Well-Known Member
that why i very headache...

if have maid is good cos can help to do chores.. but can leave the infant with the maid alone ok?
It boils down how much u trust in ur me i trust my maid 100% in term of taking care of my ger except for food wise issue~ coz she duno tat certain foods cant b taken at the age 1yr below~ Of coz the maid muz earn the trust b4 u can fully trust in her.
maybe can engage a maid to put at mum or mother in law house with baby?
Finish work then go fetch baby and maid home?

I guess I am luckier, my mum willing to care my two kids, and now they are older, 4 & 9, then I engage a maid and my children stay home as now if anything happen, my kids will tell me.


New Member
It boils down how much you trust in your me i trust my maid 100% in term of taking care of my ger except for food wise issue~ coz she dont know that certain foods cant b taken at the age 1yr below~ Of coz the maid must earn the trust before you can fully trust in her.
how to choose maid?

where your maid from?


New Member
i believe most families having issue looking for the right maid.
Reliable, trustworthy, honest and hardworking are the basics but how many actually lucky enough to find one?

I'm very very fortunate that i hav this maid with us for 5 years taking care of my grandma. She already fulfilled her contract but she will stay till my grandma(she's bedridden) passed away..Thank God so much!!

If asked whether will i engage a maid or babysitter, i will prefer babysitter.
The pros for maid, she's taking care of the chores.
Babysitter tends to pay more attention on my baby, regardless food, up-bringing and well-being. Of cos, you will need to look for a good babysitter with all this refine qualities.

As for the prices difference, regrets to mention tat its almost the same. So end of the day, you will have to weigh which is the priority. :)


New Member
Hi Steven,

If you are considering babysitter, I have 1 recommendation. My boy will be going to childcare centre in september 2010. I am currently looking out for my babysitter. She stays in Tampines area, opposite Temasek Poly. She has over 10yrs of experience. My son is her 11th baby whom she has taken care of. She has 3 sons, the youngest is serving NS now. Both the husband and wife love children very much. You can rest assured that your baby will be in good care. My son is very happy when he sees them every morning, you won't have any problem leaving for work. If you are interested, please contact me via email:


Well-Known Member
how to choose maid?

where your maid from?
How to choose??

Maybe u should find those either wif experiences taking care of kids frm their previous employers or those who r married tat haf taken care of their kids b4.

My maid taken care 4 of her siblings b4 n her youngest bro happened to b the same age as my son so i choose her as my maid.

If u really wan ur maid to take care of ur bb then u haf to let ur maid knw in advance as sum do not wan to take care of bb~

Sumore u aso muz let her knw tat if bb wake up during midnite, she has to take care of the bb BUT in return u cant xpect her to wake up very early n let her haf afternoon nap whenever the bb is slping bcoz u haf to understand tat insufficient rest will make a maid stress n unhappy. I tink u aso dun wish tat maid abuse the bb bcoz of too stress or insufficient rest, rite??

U aso muz let her knw tat bb is her priority than housework too. Anyway wat i mentioned is wat i told my maid previously n wat i do towards my maid.

If u wan ur maid to do the work well most important she muz b happy of her work so enuff rest if very important to anyone n tis apply to anyone in tis world~

Btw the maid i got it frm an agency opened by my hubby's relatives~ I cant rmb the name of the agency alrdy~