manual or electric breast pumps


I've just delivered my boy on Fri and the next day, the nurse at MAH encourage him to latch on to stimulate milk supply. The second day, its still colustrum, then come today, there is some light white fluid which I think is milk ???

This morning, however, I woke up with engorgement on the right breast. it feels hard, lumpy & hot to the touch like its having a fever on its own. MIL suggest i still let the baby latch on even tho my nipples are so sore, and i tried to squeeze, there is slight milk coming out. In this case, do i still let BB latch on despite the sore nipples so to encourage milk flow or should I just feed BB with formula milk ? He doesnt seem to like the bottle feed formula. Im using the pigeon brand milk bottle and he seemed not very interested. even if he does drink it, its just 10 - 15 ml of milk and thats it.

Im not even sure if i have enough milk to supply even tho he has been sucking it for the past 30 mins ?? This is something im really worried, what if all these time there isnt anything for him to suck and hes just 'sucking for nothing' ?

What should i do from here ? Both my nipples are sore, my right breast being engorged, do i still breastfeed him at all or just formula feed him thru
the night ?

P.S - I thot of getting the Medela Mini Electric Pump. Any good reviews ?

Pls help :(


you should pump out abit n let your milk flow smoother n unblock the engorged... so ur baby can latch on easiler..

i m using medela mini electric pump, i feel good... wont regret for buying
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New Member
ive been using the tommee tippee manual pump, and it drains my breasts quite effectively. each time i can get about 120ml of milk. THEN, i left it in the sterilizing fluid for too long, and the soft plastic part disintegrated, virtually melted :(
so i finally got my ameda lactalline!
but each time i pump, i can only get 70ml or so. the milk flows for a while and then the pump is pumping at nothingness. and my breasts feel fuller than when i use my manual pump.
im in shock! i thought an electric pump would be more effective.
is it something im doing wrong?


New Member
i've heard that its better to get a electric as well as a manual pump as electric will save time but not effective to pump out the milk fully so the last bit of milk has to be manually pumped out to increase the supply.

is that true?


Well-Known Member
i've heard that its better to get a electric as well as a manual pump as electric will save time but not effective to pump out the milk fully so the last bit of milk has to be manually pumped out to increase the supply.

is that true?
I dun think it's true, i think its the way we massage the breast. Baby latching on and drinking more is the way to increase the supply i guess.. Now i always pump b4 bb drink or right after bb drink hoping to increase the supply. but i dunno this way can increase the supply annot..