Marital issues


Hi all,

I have been married with husband for 3 years and dated for 2.5yrs before that. As usual, dating stage and married life is totally different. The sweet things that husband used to do in the past is almost non existent now. I feel that he is taking me for granted. I will tend to tell him my unhappiness and he will try to make some amendments but it doesnt last for long before he revert back to his old ways. I feel that he is not putting in enough effort to make the marriage work and he is inconsistent with his ways. After so many times of telling him, im really tired and we would get into arguments and cold wars. I have a 20mth child and he is like the anchor for this marriage. Other than my son who brings me joy, i feel that im living in a loveless marriage in which i really hate. My husband is a good father to our child but not a good husband i feel. He doesnt fulfill my emotional needs and i dont feel happy or loved in my marriage. We differ in our conflict management style as well. Im happy with my job, my current life with my son, but yet i still feel a sense of emptiness which i think is due to my marriage. At this rate that we r going, there can only be 2 outcomes. A divorce or staying in a loveless marriage which would be really torturous.

Do any of you have the same experience?


New Member
Do u still love him?have u tried to mk him understand in action instead of verbally?
I hv gone thru worst n I hv tried to mk my bf understand verbally still the same. Even in actions.
Dunno whether to say its fortunate or unfortunate that I hv 2 sons w him.. He used our kids everytime I ask for separation. He keeps apologize n again bck to his character.. Now I decided to go for stern n forever decision, to leave him.. I hv enough to mkmyself suffer just bcoz to fulfill n pleased him.I rather be happy with my kids than internally emotion n inside in pain for long dunno until when.. I will explain to my kids abt the separation n off course will allow them meeting him n I will not talk n telling my kids the bad things abt their father.. It could mk them more depress n wonders so many qstn as they grow up....

Maybe u shd let u husband understand what u feel in action..if its still not working then u really need to think abt urself n own happiness... Our kids won't be feel the full happiness if their mother in suffer..

Sorry if my opinion may hurt u.

Lyn Ng

New Member
care to share the situations?
~I'm 32 years old. married 8 years +++, my 2 daughter, 5 years old & 3 years old.

I feel like our relationship & communication not as before after my 2nd daughter is born.

we not sleeping together for sometimes already, he sleep next room, I sleep with my 2 daughters.

even we stay together in the same house, we seldom talk much.

got ask him before, is there any wrong between us, he say, nothing wrong with us.

need your advice from you all, what should I do to safe my marriage.


New Member
i do agree that dating stage and married life is totally different. My husband is self employed and im a SAHM, sometimes after a long day i just want to have a proper interaction with him instead of my kids, but most of the time he will just sat there and play game till 3-4 am. i know that he works hard for this family and i do love him.
Maybe both of u can have a h2h talk, change of lifestyle and try to understand each other situation better.


New Member
Social media have taken had replaced the precious family time .... it's so obvious ... the smart ph is never alone even at breakfast,lunch,dinner & bed time. And guess who's the winner, the network provider.


must put in efforts to maintain love.
difficult but doable ba... maybe can try to do favourite stuff of hubby together?