Melrose catering/cakes


hi all,

any one tried this melrose catering's cakes/pastries?

i got a their leaflet along with the MT A bag...

i am looking for those -traditional- type with glutinous rice, red egg ,etc..

any advise or good recommendation?

thank you...


Well-Known Member
hi all,

any one tried this melrose catering's cakes/pastries?

i got a their leaflet along with the MT A bag...

i am looking for those -traditional- type with glutinous rice, red egg ,etc..

any advise or good recommendation?

thank you...
Hi hikisumi,

I tred melrose cake many yrs back but the impression was good if i remb correctly.. It is not easily available and I think it is factory baked straight?

If u are looking for those traditional type, u may wanna consider sweetest moments..i find their packaging v sweet and lovely..but i think they do not have glutinous rice, got red eggs and ang ku kueh.. u may wanna try

sweetest moment website is Sweetest Moments ~ Celebrating your Sweetest Moments with us...

A list of the websites of the other cakeshops as follows:

If u really want those with glutinous rice, u may wanan find those traditional cake shops and i think they should be able to cater for u.. but no harm asking the above listed cake shops, they may be able to cater to ur needs too! :001_302:

Help this info helps!


hi all,

any one tried this melrose catering's cakes/pastries?

i got a their leaflet along with the MT A bag...

i am looking for those -traditional- type with glutinous rice, red egg ,etc..

any advise or good recommendation?

thank you...
I just did my full month using "Chilli padi" catering... they provided glutinous rice, red eggs and ang ku kueh as part of the buffet... so 2 in 1.
Didnt bother to give cakes at alll cos the recent baby showers i attended like no one give too...
But if you still like to give, i shortlisted Sweetest moments and Gobi too when i was 'researching'...


cannot dun give cakes.. my FIL v traditional.. he wanna give... but not vouchers..
thanks i will go look at their web.. seems sweetest moments is quite a popular choice.. hehehe


Well-Known Member
hmmm, vouchers r better, cos ppl can choose when they wanna collect the cakes.
like my mum, think one relative gv us vouchers, she only collected it near to the expiry date! (almost 1 year after!)


Well-Known Member
hmmm, vouchers are better, cos ppl can choose when they wanna collect the cakes.
like my mum, think one relative gv us vouchers, she only collected it near to the expiry date! (almost 1 year after!)
Hi Tin,

Voucher is convenient but to the older folks nowadays i think they will deems it as insincere. To the younger generation, i think it is alot better...

I also dont know what i will do.. give vouchers v convenient for me, but i feel that it may be seems as insincere. So it depends lor. Mayb can give younger generation vouchers then the older folks boxes of cakes and red eggs :)

good idea? hee:Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
yup i think tt is a good idea.
but hor, my relatives n parents also preferred giving vouchers.
only the red eggs n ang ku kueh we buy/make ourselves.


cannot dont give cakes.. my father in law very traditional.. he wanna give... but not vouchers..
thanks i will go look at their web.. seems sweetest moments is quite a popular choice.. hehehe
luckily is my fil says no need....
yup...nice packaging n feedbk is the cakes are nice too....
hi all,

any one tried this melrose catering's cakes/pastries?

i got a their leaflet along with the MT A bag...

i am looking for those -traditional- type with glutinous rice, red egg ,etc..

any advise or good recommendation?

thank you...
hi hakisumi.....i juz had my baby's first mth in sep..i ordered cakes and had catering from melrose.....i find that their cakes are not bad...i ordered marble...BUT don't take the catering....i had all the negative feedback bout the food from my relatives...:(


oic... i am looking into their pastries too.. those traditional types..
as for catering i am ordering others..
thanks.. felicissimo mummy~~
good to know ~~~~


Well-Known Member
Actually Prima Deli has those traditional packages. I got the set with red eggs, Ang Koo Kueh (the sharp one, not the flat one), cake & glutinous rice for my relatives and Sweetest Moments for friends and colleagues last yr. The package from Prima cost me about $10 per box.


Well-Known Member
same as Ting, my relatives all preferred voucher as they can collect the cake when they want to eat instead of me giving the cake to them and they might not want to eat on that day.

it would be better if u ask ard ur relatives what they want, cake or voucher... that's wat my mum did...