mobile app for kids


New Member
Hi, I think most of us agree that ipad or mobile phone also influence our kids a lot (even though we try hard to prevent this!!)
i recently just read an article, saying that Samsung release a Samsung Kids Time app.
(ok, they released last year but i just knew that :d)

Samsung Kids Time is a child-friendly learning platform developed by Smasung with games and e-books and it uniquely teahces and motivates children aged between 3 and 7 years old to learn and be more proactive with kids-safe curated content. So parents can be sure that the games and ebooks present in the app have been carefully handpicked and to reflect the various educational aspects crucial in child's development.

The things mummy here need to be careful is:
1. many of them you need internet to connect to.(so kinda bad for battery)
2. it's developed by Samsung, so there is no ios version T_T

I think this is pretty good to give mummies some more personal space.
Because your kids can play and learn by themselves while using this app :))
(click go Official Google Play, and if it doesn't go directly you can type in your phone number and send the link to your phone :)))

Samsung Kids Time Official website

Mummies can also go their official website to check what they offer!!

Please also share if there is any cool app for kid's education :)))
(I need themmmmmmmmm)


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