Mothers needed for interview


New Member
I am Merilyn, an undergraduate who is currently part of a research team led by NUS which aims for explore Mother's experiences of keeping their child healthy to help medical practitioners and policy makers better understand mother's everyday experiences of children's healthcare while successfully addressing children's health issues.

We are currently looking for interviewees who fit these criteria:
1. Mothers with child(ren) aged 5 and below
2. Chinese Singaporeans
3. HDB residents

Each interview will last approximately 2 hours long at a preferred location of your choice. Also, at the end of each interview, respondents will be reimbursed with a 20 dollars fairprice voucher.

If you are interested in the interview, you can contact me directly at 91862391, or email me at
Thank you!

p/s: for more details regarding our research and interview process, do feel free to click on the link below: