My 3 mths old baby only sleeps 20 - 30 mins per sleep - help


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Dear Mummies

Do you have baby like mine? Mine only takes super short naps, hard to fall asleep, once asleep but will wake up after 20-30 mins. It is very very tiring. Initially as a newborn, he sleeps easily but realized he was jaundiced. After treatment, he starts to "show" his true colours. He gets harder and harder to fall asleep.

Initially i just put him on bed after each feed he will sleep. As he increasingly gets harder to sleep around 2mths +, i carried him and rocked him then put him on a bouncer (baby bjorn) to sleep. But i get tired as he sleeps short and each time i had to rock him to sleep. So i got him a pacifier. It gets better but only for a few sleeps. Then i got a yao lan. Same thing here, sleeps short...

His milk times are every 2-3 hours, mostly 2 hours. He is direct latching on me for breast milk.

He sleeps on bed at night but also getting difficult to sleep on bed and in sarong at night too.

what is wrong? Please advise



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