MYC Thomson (Music For Young Children) - Available Classes


New Member
Dear parents,

The below are ongoing classes with available vacancies :

SUNRISE (2-3YRS OLD) - SAT 9:15AM - 3 vacancies

SUNSHINE (3-4YRS OLD) - SAT 3:45PM - 1 vacancy

SUNBEAMS (4-5YRS OLD) - SAT 12:00PM - 3 vacancies

SUNBEAMS (4-5 YRS OLD) - FRI 7:00PM - 3 vacancies

Email to musiczoosg@gmail to sign up if you are keen..

Information on MYC Programs:


Sunrise is an exciting and innovative pre-school music program for children two and three years old. The program has a flexible format that allows adaptation to a variety of age and environmental situations including daycare and nursery school centers as well as home studios of certified Music for Young Children Sunrise teachers. Children receive instruction in singing, rhythm, and ear training with teddy bears being one of the learning "tools". This specially developed music curriculum includes stories, songs and games.


This program, for three and four year old beginners includes large muscle experiences in beat and rhythms as well as fine motor experiences in rhythm instrument ensemble playing. By the end of the first year, Sunshines are playing in C major and middle C positions and are reading from the staff. Pre-reading experiences – such as like and different sorting, looking for patterns with colorful visual aids, gluing and coloring -- are part of the program.


The program for kindergartners and first graders provides “big kid” lyrics to introduce concepts, finger numbers and keyboard geography. Songs and games are used to encourage and reinforce listening.


For the older beginner, ages seven through nine, the program lasts three years. Our Moonbeams want “quick results” and the songs, ensembles and keyboard repertoire are designed to support their growing sense of independence. The listening activities for this age group keep the “ears open” even as reading becomes the primary focus for gathering information.
