Naming The Baby...


Hi everyone..:)

I was wondering is it better to get a fengshui master/fortune teller to name the baby based on the bazhi (*date/time of birth). i know some ppl prefer to name their baby without consulting any master but many parents i know still prefer to seek a professional advise for baby names.

Whats your thoughts on this one? i believe names are important to a person's life.
So, do u think it's necessary to find the right name? and when did you start naming the baby?( it is better to do it before or after birth?) pls advise.

Let's discuss this..:) would like to hear your thoughts.Thanks.;)
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Well-Known Member
i personally dont 100% believe on all these, only half half. But we sent ds' birth date n time for 'calculation' of his chi name, cos my inlaws feel that it is impt and also, we dont have any nice chi name in mind. i think naming the baby is usually aft birth right? since they will nd the birth date n time to 'calculate'? =)


Hi,thanks for replying..I ask this bcos I know some parents to be wld actually start thinking of baby names before birth..both eng and chinese names..they wld list down choices of name so they can register the birth cert immediately..I have no clue abt all that so I like to hear more advise on this discussion..:)
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Active Member
Consulting master also doesn't guarantee that the name will suit the child best..

I consulted 2 masters before settling my child's name, both agree that the name n character is the best match..

But 2-3 months later, there's a period which my baby start crying daily from evening till 12.30am.. My mum wen to consult a dua ya pek dangki and he actually say that my Baby's name is too 'heavy/good' for her eight character n ask me to find another name for her..



Hi..thanks for sharing ur experience.I realised that in the past ppl dun really consult a master on baby names as long it sounds good..but now its a different trend and many parents I know will choose the right and special name for the baby's bazhi.

Btw much are the charges for consultation and calculating the bazhi?
Can you choose afew names then ask the master to check which name is this how's its done?

For parents who have named ur babies..wld like to hear ur tots and experience.thanks.:)
My boy's english name is named from a dream when i was pregnant. Was still indecisive on whether to give him a english name not cos im quite old-fashioned traditional chinese kind (though im only 23 this yr n 21 when i gave birth to him). Had that dream with that name n felt it was nice n has a gd meaning so decide on it. Im the kind who pretty much believe in dreams n predestined n fate kind of thing.
Chinese name was also indecisive whether to get 'master' calculate or ownself name. Didnt have anything in mind n dont wanna give a bad name or sth that sounds funny. Two or three days before i deliver. Went guanyin temple pray for smooth delivery n also 'shake lot' ask for advise. The 'lot' i got kinda tells abit abt my pregnancy my boy, n advise on ownself name. Had the 2nd character in mind bas on the lot. N The day before my pregnancy happen to b at popular, so flipped through the chinese dictionary to find the 3rd character n settle on the name. Unique, with the meaning to suit his character n my wishes for him. Easy to read, write n call. =))


Hi, thanks for sharing your story..its good to hear some advise, experiences and thoughts from mummies here..:)

Keep them coming and pls feel free to share any all ears.:001_302:


I dont believe in this. Baby is mine and hubby's, we decide on his/her name. And in deciding, we share ideas on what sounds nice, whether the chinese character has any special meaning etc.


I guess it depends how u view it...:) I'm sure all parents want their children to grow well and healthy..and I heard from frds that some names that are not suitable may cause some probs for the kids..some parents may feel that its better to find a suitable name for the baby..perhaps its like fengshui..some ppl believe it..some ppl dun..actually many parents i know are naming their babies based on their bazhi these days but I'm yet to hear more from them here..some mom to be even choose a good day and time to deliver the baby if they opt of c-secton..I can totally understand and respect their reasons.;)
I believe as parents all we want is the best for our kids. There's no right or wrong.
But still, like amulet mummy, she got masters to cfm on the name but in the end its still 'too gd' which ended up not so gd. N some so-call famous master r only into earning money. Ive heard of a particular one who gave like same names to many pple. Etc etc.
Also, i think pple like lee kuan yew or those famous fellows in western countries bill gates or whatsoever didnt have their name calculated? But they still made it big?
Mayb, for mummies who wants both, can consider naming yr child, n then get the so-call master to c if the names will chiong the kid bazhi. So that u can name yr kid, n no need worry giving wrong name n causing his life to b difficult etc. At least in future when yr kid ask why he is name like this, u will b able to explain or tell him the meaning of his name instead of like 'oh i donno, it was this whoever master who gave u this name so that u can have a gd life' thing?
Also. I heard that bazhi is the xian tian kinda thing. There r hou tian factors that affects a person. N the hou tian factors is settled when the child is 3. Thats y the saying san sui ding zhong shen.


I believe as parents all we want is the best for our kids. There's no right or wrong.
But still, like amulet mummy, she got masters to cfm on the name but in the end its still 'too gd' which ended up not so gd. N some so-call famous master r only into earning money. Ive heard of a particular one who gave like same names to many pple. Etc etc.
Also, i think pple like lee kuan yew or those famous fellows in western countries bill gates or whatsoever didnt have their name calculated? But they still made it big?
Mayb, for mummies who wants both, can consider naming yr child, n then get the so-call master to c if the names will chiong the kid bazhi. So that u can name yr kid, n no need worry giving wrong name n causing his life to b difficult etc. At least in future when yr kid ask why he is
name like this, u will b able to explain or tell him the meaning of his name instead of like 'oh i donno, it was this whoever master who gave u this name so that u can have a gd life' thing?
Also. I heard that bazhi is the xian tian kinda thing. There r hou tian factors that affects a person. N the hou tian factors is settled when the child is 3. Thats y the saying san sui ding zhong shen.

Yeah..sometime, its pretty hard to find a good and reliable master..i do not know of any great masters bcos i have never really consulted a fengshui master or fortune teller before..but generally, i do believe in fengshui and the 5 elements etc..i gained some basic knowledges from FS books, videos and attending FS seminars.;) I know FS does change some ppl's life for good from real stories i've heard from my close friends..anyway, im not really obsessed with FS but its something that im really interested and like to learn more.:)

Overall, i believe names are quite important for a person's life but i also believe in working hard to be successful bcos i believe nothing is for granted in this world, with a good may be a good start but u still need to work for it along the way.:)

My hubby and i have not decide on any eng & chi names yet..but we would like to hear some thoughts and advises from others on this discussion..I think it will be ideal if we can list down afew names we have in mind and later consult a master to calculate the most suitable one among the list based on the baby's bazhi,hmmm.. im wondering if this is a better way but im not too sure how exactly its done..really clueless on that..:p

Moreover, my mandarin is not so good..i cant think of any great or refine names so we might need some guidance on :D


New Member
well.. for hubby and mi.. we didnt consult anyone.. we name our baby on our own.. her chinese name is name by mi while her english name is name by hubby.. since young i like girl's name to have a "en" or "ting".. den i realize "Enting" is quite a beautiful name for baby girl.. XD as for her english name is Uriel.. hubby name it after a angel.. wonder how he get the inspiration? from watching "supernatural" -.-"


Well-Known Member
actually i do believe to a certain extent that choosing the right name is actually very impt. me n my sisters names were all calulated by a master and my daughter's name too. cos i hv seen cases where the person's name was given wrongly by the parents and then their "life" wasnt very smooth sailing, then after they change their name (given by masters) their "luck" changed. but after all, it is still up to the individual's beliefs. if u do not believe in such things, then no point calculating the name.. if u do, then go ahead n do it.


well.. for hubby and mi.. we didnt consult anyone.. we name our baby on our own.. her chinese name is name by mi while her english name is name by hubby.. since young i like girl's name to have a "en" or "ting".. then i realize "Enting" is quite a beautiful name for baby girl.. XD as for her english name is Uriel.. hubby name it after a angel.. wonder how he get the inspiration? from watching "supernatural" -.-"
Hi Fang, the name sounds sweet..:)..yeah, Uriel is a name of one of the guardian angel..:) i always love names with some angelic related/meanings.:laugh:


actually i do believe to a certain extent that choosing the right name is actually very impt. me n my sisters names were all calulated by a master and my daughter's name too. cos i have seen cases where the person's name was given wrongly by the parents and then their "life" wasnt very smooth sailing, then after they change their name (given by masters) their "luck" changed. but after all, it is still up to the individual's beliefs. if you do not believe in such things, then no point calculating the name.. if you do, then go ahead n do it.
Yes Ting..thats what some of my friends told me and some even change their name during the adulthood..and it did improve their life, business and career path,etc...actually, we love to name our baby like all parents do, but at the same time we would also like to consult a master later to calculate and check if its suitable for the bazhi.:)

Any good master to share here? :001_302:


my 3 yo daughter came to me and asked if i have given a name to his baby brother when i was still pregnant.. i told her not yet n she said she wanna name baby brother "tian tian" inspired by wilber pan's song "bu bu ai" dont know if you all know the song
so i gave my boy his name le tian, nickname tian tian.. >.>, english name Ryu from street fighter, want him to be as strong n powerful as him
my daughter's name Rinoa from final fantasy 8, want her to be as beautiful as her
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Well-Known Member
Yes Ting..thats what some of my friends told me and some even change their name during the adulthood..and it did improve their life, business and career path,etc...actually, we love to name our baby like all parents do, but at the same time we would also like to consult a master later to calculate and check if its suitable for the bazhi.:)

Any good master to share here? :001_302:
actually i didnt really have any chinese name in mind for my girl at tt time, so i just let the master decide n pick which ever which is good.. n he picked a very nice n unique name for my girl, so i was happy with it. :)
the master i go to is the one who named me n my sisters..he is pretty old n retire alr. so he only do biz from "old" clients n dont take in new clients alr.. so cant intro u.

anyway, one of the ones who give the same name to every kid i think is the you long zi or something.. both my mum's friends went to him n both their sons hv the same name!!!!!


No worries Ting..i'll do more research on that.:)

P.S : Thanks to everyone who replied this thread.If there's anything u like to share, pls feel free to write back.Thanks again. Cheerz! :wink: xoxo

I rmb last year when i give birth to my son.. Dun really go gt a master n count for the name.. But my son name is my MIL sis help to choose wan.. Simple easy & also easy to write ..
But as for english i choose myself.. ^^

Anyway i knw is too crazy to think of a name nw as i plan to give birth in next 2 year.. But for girl name started with A diff to choose.. common wan too many alrd...
For me before pregnant already think of Chinese name with hubby! Lol. Just that we nv consult master, just see dictionary. 俪心, li is everything give out in pairs, heart from her heart, so lixin, English name is I wanted start with k, but all the k I don't like, hubby also dunno how, until dunno 6-7 mths pregnant dreamt of kerissa, so named her that! Hahaha