Need help with Mittens & Booties


Thou i have 2 babies, elder ger is already 5 & the baby boy is 3mths but really cant remember when i stop my ger from wearing mittens & booties. Any idea when is the appropriate time for me not to put on mittens/booties on my 3mth old boy? Im not sure whether putting on mittens/botties/socks will affect his growing? As my boy hands & legs tends to get icy cold, do i continue to put on for him to keep warm?

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Jane Chow

When my baby reach 3mth old, I only put on the mitten and botties for her in the night. My MIL said we need to let the baby try to open up her finger and touch things around her during the day. Her hands and feets did feel abit cold..but as long as the fan did not blow directly at her or she start sneezing...I think its ok...


thank jane for the advise. Will try not to let him put on mittens & booties during daytime to let him have his movement.

Jane Chow

If you are taking off his mittens, remember to trim his fingernails....I used to trim and file my baby's fingernails every 3 days otherwise her poor face will have alot scratches....:bconfused:


If you are taking off his mittens, remember to trim his fingernails....I used to trim and file my baby's fingernails every 3 days otherwise her poor face will have alot scratches....:bconfused:
File? Is it necessary? cos rite nw i only using the sissors type for cutting bb nails. doesnt really file, is dat gd enuff?

Jane Chow

Emmm..normally after I trim her fingernails...I still feel that there is some sharp edges around the I file it Combie scissors comes with a filing gadets....but must do it carefully cos dun want to file too much...otherwise even with short nails...she still will hv scratches over her face...:nah: