Need some advice on Custody issues pls...


Hi all,

Would truly appreciate if all of you could give me advice on custody issues pls. Currently i have 2 daughters (18mths and 8 mths). Am thinking of getting a divorce with my husband. But according to him, the judge will normally give each person a kid's custody. Is that true? I hope to get both my daughter's custody. Don't wish to seperate them. And is there any cheap and realiable lawyers to intro me? I just got the keys to my new house. It's not possible to sell it away now rite? Got to wait till 5 yrs ltr? So if i were to file for divorce now, what will happen to the house? Can we still live together under one roof till 5 yrs then sell the house away?

Pls advice. Tks alot all..


Well-Known Member
may i ask y u wanna divorce with your hubby?

custody- usually, the judge will decide which living environment is more suitable for the kids, so might not necessarily for u to get the kid's custody, unless your husband gives up the custody to u.
if im not wrong, usually the judge wont seperate the kids, n most of the time, the custody will be given to the mother. but then again, hv to see the environment n your ability.

housing- im not very sure if u can sell your hse away anot, but i doubt so. u can still live tgt after u divorce i think.


Well-Known Member
Housing- If I remember correctly, you have to satisfy the Minimum Occupation Period (with grant or new flat, 5 yrs, w/o grant, 3 yrs) before you can sell off the flat. Thus even if you file for divorce, you can still stay there. However, you can apply for a special wavier if you wish to sell off the flat before the MOP, BUT you are not allowed to apply for another HDB until 5 years after you sign the divorce absolute(of course, you can try writing a letter to HDB for a special wavier if you wish to do so). You can only do so (applying for a flat within 5 years), IF you are applying for a flat with a new spouse or with your parents.

You might want to double confirm with HDB on this if you wish to sell off the flat, as well as how they are going to divide the proceeds of the flat. (they usually list it in the divorce papers). But do not forget that the proceeds will first go to your CPF, bank loans, interests first before you can see any cash in hand. Thus sometimes it might not be advisable to sell it off and get a new one, if you do not have the financial means to get another flat, unless you are moving back in with your parents.

Custody- Usually the judge will grant both the daughters to the mother, unless they feel that the mother is deemed incapable of taking care of the children and/or the mother give up the custody.
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New Member
i just went thru divorce in Feb 2010. i've got 3 kids (2004/2006/2008) & i've got custody for all 3 of them.. normally, children under the age of 7 yrs, care & control will be given to the mother. Mine is a joint custody as according to my lawyer, court would want both parents to be responsible for their children. unless they feel that the mother is deemed incapable of taking care of the children and/or the mother give up the custody (like Renzie mentioned).

Are you working?


Try not to divorce with your husband unless he initiates it. However hard is the marriage, like mine is too now, the victims and damages goes to your daughters and they will be fearful of entering into marriage or building any meaningful relationships/friendships with the outside world.
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My sis divorce when she was 7 m pregy with her 2nd girl. hubby angry becos 2nd one is not a son. now her girl coming to 5yo in jul, 1st girl P 3.

Court give her the custodian, husband can visit every sat, but he never come for last 5 yrs, he hadn't pay the maintance of $401 for 1 yr+, recently my sis go family court to sue him, he told the court, becos my sis won't let him see the girls, tat's why he din pay, all the bullshit, he dun want the girls himself becos they are not sons, he just using it as an excuse.

when she file for divorce, she try to go to those government lawyer service, but they question her finance alot, ask her why she continue to buy insurance since she said she no money, etc......

in the end, she went to those community centre for consultation, paid $2k for divorce and the other services.

after divorce, their 3 room flat was sold. tho they idoit din pay much for the house, he still get 35%.

so my advise, if u want to get more share, pls start to keep every piece of evidence whatever u have paid for the house, it will come in handy when negotiating for assets split.
what the hell is wrong with that man?!?
ask him to g and get his facts right about chromosomes XY!
its most likely his "fault" ok!
so pissed! girls not his own flesh and blood ahh??
no son means cannot be responsible laah!?!!
argghH! the f word is coming out!! :realmad:


what the hell is wrong with that man?!?
ask him to g and get his facts right about chromosomes XY!
its most likely his "fault" ok!
so pissed! girls not his own flesh and blood ahh??
no son means cannot be responsible laah!?!!
argghH! the f word is coming out!! :realmad:
abt 3 weeks have passed, that idoit never call to say he want to see the kids, so he just saying tat in front of the court to act "koh lian", act "cham"........useless man.......