Newborn and toddler sharing bedroom?


New Member
My elder son will be 23months when my second one is born. Currently we are still staying with my parents in laws and my husband's elder sister. By the time my second child was born we should have moved to our new condo. But there's no extra room for both of them. My elder son is still co-sleeping with us and I'm having trouble of where to put him when my second child is born. I do wish to sleep with them in the same room as I doesn't want my elder son to feel left out or what. Anyone have the same problem and can share whether is possible for them to share one room?


New Member
You can buy a bed for your room and let your elder son sleep on the bed. So you and your elder son sleep at the same room.


New Member
Hi i am facing the same problem too! My second will be born when my daughter is 21 mths. Now she is sleeping with me in the same room. Wonder how to put both in one room. My daughter usually sleeps throughout the night unless there are some disturbance. if newborn sleeps in the same room and usually they will start to cry during the night time and feeding is usually 3 to 4 hrs. wonder how to manage if both starts to cry.


New Member
I got one folding bed at home. But my son didn't sleep on it before. And every night if he wakes up see I'm not beside him he will crawl to where I'm :( How to transfer him to the folding bed?


New Member
I'd done many research and most of the mothers said it's alright to put them together as long as there's somebody there with them in case the elder one fall on the newborn and they will slowly adjust to each other routine. Am also wondering whether my son and daughter can adjust to one another routine and cry.
I going to face this prob next fri..

My first born is 25months n second just born.. all these while my second is w me at my mum hse. Where as my first is w hubby n mil.. my mil going bk china today.. so no 1 handle my first.. so w ith the first n second tgt.. going to b war.. my first tend to hug secnd v tight till she cry.. when she kiss second, she has tendency to bite her.. this happen when first visit second at my mum hse..

Next fri, i n second going move bk to our hse.. how ya? Wat r the scenes i will forsee?