painful breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
as for expressing milk, if your girl feeds at 2 hour intervals, then you'll have to pump at 2 hour intervals. If she feeds at 3 hour intervals, then you pump at 3 hour intervals.


when you latch your ger on, do you stroke her cheek with your nipple so that she opens her mouth wide?

Must really catch her and pop your nipple in when her mouth is open at the widest. Like what camom said, do you hold your nipple in line with your ger's mouth?

If you find that your ger is sucking on the tip of the nipple, use your index finger knuckle to pull her chin down. When you pull her chin down, she will open her mouth wider.

Latching is usually less painful when her ger has most of the lower, not the upper, areole in her mouth. To make sure she gets most ot the lower areole, make sure her tummy is against your tummy and it may help if you push her neck in towards you.

Have you googled Dr jack newman's breastfeeding videos?
i had tried tat but think im not ggd at it. haiz n she will struggle when i pop my breast inside her month..

please don't be discouraged.
i was exactly like you. my breasts were so warm and painful. i tried to massage and tried all means and ways to latch bb, but i was in such intense pain, both cos of engorgement, and sore nipples.

if you can, do see a lactation consultant for the best advise. else you can consider the advise given to me by my lactation consultant.

1. apply nipple cream after each feed. i personally recommend the medela purelan 100. cos it really worked for me and it is safe for baby to eat so i dont have to clean it off before each feed. i would apply it after each feed when i have clean and air dried my nipples.

2. cold compress was advised. but not strongly recommended unless very painful. it also didn't work very well for me. cold compress actually reduces milk supply temporarily therefore reducing the pain caused by engorgement. use too often will cause a permanent reduction in milk supply.

3. massage to clear blocked ducts. i had lots of blocked ducts. especially at the nipples. you really have to massage very hard. and it is really very painful while you are trying to clear the blocked ducts. better if someone else does it for you. cos if you do it yourself you tend not to exert as much force. i had my LC clear for me. so i just have to tolerate the pain and let her do the job.

4. you actually have alot of milk. that is why you are feeling all that pain. once your blocked ducts are cleared, all your milk will start flowing. be patient. in the mean time, work on getting the correct latch on.

5. get a feeding pillow if you can afford. it really helped tide me through the first month. cos really had to let baby latch on to clear the blocked ducts.

6. best to use hand expression. so you massage and clear blocked ducts at the same time. then let baby latch on immediately after massaging. works wonders. better than any electric/manual pump.

try. hope all goes well for you. fyi, my DD is already 6 weeks and i still have enough supply for her. press on!


New Member
i had been trying to bf baby since her birth. after discharge, i still bf even though very low supply -10ml. but till ytd i had to stop cos the breasts are so painful n hard till when she suckle i was so terribly in pain. it didnt help even when i tried to pump out. now even got abrasions on both n like someone stepping heavily onto your breasts. can any1 advise me?? really feel like giving up n feel so depress due to unable to bf her n also low supply... till now everytime pump still around 10ml only:wecry:
Hi catherlyn,
I new here.Me had the same problem like you. Breast feel like dropping off. Till mummies in SMH forum recommend Mdm Rokiah frm traditional holistic postnatal centre to come and help. Many mummies there had her service for blockducts and engorggement service. Maybe you could visit her website or call her personally at 92716091 for advise.


Well-Known Member
hi, instead of using your nipple to stroke your bb's cheeks, you can also use your fingers.

i found it hard to stroke with the nipple too and prefered to stroke with my fingers. HTH.


typically are there any quick and fast rules of how long to latch on the baby? i find my baby really taking his own sweet time when feeding and he looked so comfortable. He usually took as much as 1/2hr to 45mins to feed - and becos i heard hind milk is good, i let him stay there so he can have the hind milk instead of switching breasts after 15mins.

My frens' babies can finish feeding within 10-15mins. Not sure why my baby took longer. Perhaps the flow is too slow for baby? And when he feed, he'll gradually fall asleep and i have to wake him up by nudging his chin or play with ears and cheeks. But he fall asleep shortly after again. Then when i tried burping him, he'll wake up and will ask for more milk.

In my the other post, i also asked the same qns as in, is this typical sign that he's treating me as a pacifier? when you mummies has faster flow, how does it feel? It'll just drip without even stimulating? How do we train our babies to suckle faster? He cries until rather ke-lian when I unlatch him, as if I didn't want to let him eat. But the duration he suckles, sometimes leave me with sore nipples. haiz.. And when i bottle feed him.. he can actually finish up 80ml in less than 10mins (and start looking for my breasts).


Well-Known Member
typically are there any quick and fast rules of how long to latch on the baby? i find my baby really taking his own sweet time when feeding and he looked so comfortable. He usually took as much as 1/2hr to 45mins to feed - and becos i heard hind milk is good, i let him stay there so he can have the hind milk instead of switching breasts after 15mins.

My friends' babies can finish feeding within 10-15mins. Not sure why my baby took longer. Perhaps the flow is too slow for baby? And when he feed, he'll gradually fall asleep and i have to wake him up by nudging his chin or play with ears and cheeks. But he fall asleep shortly after again. Then when i tried burping him, he'll wake up and will ask for more milk.

In my the other post, i also asked the same qns as in, is this typical sign that he's treating me as a pacifier? when you mummies has faster flow, how does it feel? It'll just drip without even stimulating? How do we train our babies to suckle faster? He cries until rather ke-lian when I unlatch him, as if I didn't want to let him eat. But the duration he suckles, sometimes leave me with sore nipples. sigh.. And when i bottle feed him.. he can actually finish up 80ml in less than 10mins (and start looking for my breasts).
there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to bbs in general, and especially for bfing. when my ger was younger, she took up to 1 hour to get satisfied. And because she was young, she usually dream latched. I was fine with that as long as she was still suckling quite strongly. When she stopped, i would unlatch and latch again, or stroke her cheeks to see if she still wants milk.

Now that she's older and better at suckling, she doesn't need so much time any more.

when you compare, you get v gek sim unnecessarily.:001_302:

you can tell if bb is hungry or just using you as a pacifier from the strength of the suckling. A rhymthmic suckling plus swallowing sounds means your boy is really drinking. A letdown is when your breasts start leaking milk, and that's when the flow is faster.

it's best to feed on demand and let your bb take the lead.


i find tat my supply in the morning is more ranging frm 80 to 100ml, but the subsequent pump is like 50ml to 70ml. i on n off try to latch my ger n today she managed to latch on once n suckle but when i change breast she fussed again n cant latch properly..... sometime feel so disappointed in myself...


i find that my supply in the morning is more ranging frm 80 to 100ml, but the subsequent pump is like 50ml to 70ml. i on n off try to latch my ger n today she managed to latch on once n suckle but when i change breast she fussed again n cant latch properly..... sometime feel so disappointed in myself...
Your baby is still young, so you are prob still establishing your supply... Dont worry... Hang in there!


Well-Known Member
i find that my supply in the morning is more ranging frm 80 to 100ml, but the subsequent pump is like 50ml to 70ml. i on n off try to latch my ger n today she managed to latch on once n suckle but when i change breast she fussed again n cant latch properly..... sometime feel so disappointed in myself...
Hugs, *pat pat on your shoulder*. Slowly adjust each time you are unsuccessful in latching on. Sooner or later, you will catch the trick. Jiayou!

It's normal to have diminishing supply during the day. For me during maternity leave, my supply is at the driest around 4-5pm, and that coincided with my busiest time of the day. Elder kid wld be getting home fr sch in 1.5 hours time, need to prepare dinner, need to bathe the bb and prepare him for bed, etc etc. My supply is most abundant in the early morning, I attribute that to having sufficient rest during the night.
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i too agree tat morning supply is the most abundant n easiest to pump. even my massage lady cfm tat to me. haha... she was even shocked to c hw bad my breasts are when she first massage me, the worst she said n teach me ways on hw to improve the condition n milk supply. btw she is mdm lathifa.