Parenting book


go to those Popular Bookstore
Parenting section there is a lots of parenting book

i used to there & buy books


Well-Known Member
i borrow fm library...hehehe....cos i cant find 1 solid book to invest borrow a few fm library, copy down e parts i feel r's all lor...
depending on what kind of parenting books u are looking for.

I used to buy quite a number and realised that I got no space in my cuopboard anymore plus there are numerous out there.

Visit the library and you will be spoilt for choice.

A few titles that I like:
1. How you behave your preschooler will too (something like that)
2. No-Cry sleep solution
3. Supernanny Jo Frost


BMSG Moderator
The Happiest Baby on the Block - Harvey Karp
The Baby Book - William Sears
So That's What They're For! - Janet Tamaro (a breastfeeding book)
Adventures in Tandem Nursing - Hillary Flower (a breastfeeding book)


BMSG Moderator
if you implement what you learn, then yes... if you don't... then don't bother to read in the first place.

I know the Harvey Karp book really helped us cope with a colicky 2nd baby. The Sears book was a lifesaver many times during the 1st year with our #1. I've read the 3rd and 4th book many times looking for encouragement and answers. I'd recommend those four books highly.

Agnes Josephine

Active Member
if you implement what you learn, then yes... if you don't... then don't bother to read in the first place.

I know the Harvey Karp book really helped us cope with a colicky 2nd baby. The Sears book was a lifesaver many times during the 1st year with our #1. I've read the 3rd and 4th book many times looking for encouragement and answers. I'd recommend those four books highly.

oic... :tsmile:



its help by reading
sometime i do photocopy sm useful informations

but beside that i learn from mistakes & experience


i also read in the library or borrow home, cos i usually only read those useful sections that i am interested in.
yes..if you practise what you read, it can be pretty effective.

i am more into books relating to 'how to raise a confident child', 'how to broach difficult topics', etc etc
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BMSG Moderator
I think the books we'll recommend will change over time as our children grow older. The ones on my list are really for 2 years and below. I'm finding new 'must haves' as I learn to cope with school going kids and toddlers with minds of their own!