Playdates in Pasir Ris


New Member

I'm a SAHM in Pasir Ris.
Keen to meet other mummies in the area and organise playdates for our kids.
I have 2 boys. They are 4 & 2 years old.
Looking forward to some replies :Dancing_wub:


I'm living in Pasir Ris too. My son is 16 months old and I've got a little girl due in March. Heard of playdates but don't really know what they involve. Can enlighten me?

Currently, I'm still teaching but will be going on leave in March till the end of the year.
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New Member
Hi DoDo,

Good to hear from another mummy in Pasir Ris :)

Playdates are when mummies with kids get together to have a fun time, make new friends, exchange ideas, chit chat etc.

It can also be an activity like going to the beach/ park, in someone's home or meeting in a public place like a playground, restaurant.

I personally think that it's a good opportunity for kids to meet other friends outside school.

Which part of Pasir Ris at u staying? I'm near the mrt station.


Thanks :) I live near Loyang Point. Think it could be a while before my kids go on playdates though; they're still kinda young :)


Active Member
i stay in the west, but i go to Pasir Ris Park (playground) every friday. I dont't mind meeting mommies with toddlers who might be interested to come by and say hi. I have a 22 month old dotter. :) Add me on msn ( and we might be able to set up a meeting.


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Add me on msn ( and we can set a date and time to meet at the park. Not going today since it rained the whole morning and i bet the playground is wet. :)


New Member
When I do take my kids to the playground, it's always a last minute thing :tlaugh:
Will try to arrange to go on Friday to meet up if possible.

Does anyone go to Explorerkidz at Downtown East?


Active Member
i brought my todd there a few weeks back. She didn't seem to enjoy herself as much as when she was at Polliwogs.

I find most indoor playground mazes a tad bit too cramp for an adult to accompany a child (peek-a-boo, explorerkidz, gogo bambini, fidgets). However, the one at Polliwogs is spacious enough for an adult to crouch about comfortably. Have you been to Polliwogs? We go there quite often. Plus I like the fact that once my todd gets bored indoors, we can always run outside and play with the sand by the beach! :)

I have a 23mths old toddler gal and 1mth+ newborn gal. I stay Pasir Ris and currently on maternity leave till mid March.

My 1st gal just started going for morning childcare ... and soon fullday (no choice and heartache) before I go back to work.

Now my everyday routine with my 1st gal is morning school, afternoon nap and after her nap, i will try to bring her out. Becos she starts to mess up the house and 'attacks' the meimei at times. =oS

Would be glad to join you and your kids for playdates around this area. =o)

*Can only hang out for a few hours cos breastfeeding so rather inconvi to stay out long with a kid. =o)


New Member
Hi Jorelle,

Have u been taking care of both girls on your own? Can't be easy, I know. My boys are 4 & 2 and they can be a handful.

It's mid-March now. Are u back at work? Who's looking after your little one?

Don't worry too much about your older girl. I'm sure she'll adapt. Kids can somehow do that easier than adults :) Which childcare is she attending?

Both my boys go 1/2 day to Jeet's School (near Downtown East).
Hi Jorelle,

Have you been taking care of both girls on your own? Can't be easy, I know. My boys are 4 & 2 and they can be a handful.

It's mid-March now. Are you back at work? Who's looking after your little one?

dont't worry too much about your older girl. I'm sure she'll adapt. Kids can somehow do that easier than adults :) Which childcare is she attending?

Both my boys go 1/2 day to Jeet's School (near Downtown East).

The jiejie was taken care by my maid till meimei comes. She now goes childcare and maid take care of meimei.

Yah, i am back to work but once i am at home, i will take over the kids. =o)

She was with Nissi Childcare for less than 2 weeks, got tramatise that i gotta stop work for a month to look after her cos she cry non-stop, terrible nitemares and scare of anything, everybody..haiz...

Then a month later, i delivered meimei, so was on maternity leave, have time to spend with her. Eventually she got better then i sent her to Judes Childcare (blk 104) which she adapted okie.

I am working at Downtown East. Hehe.

My elder gal is a little terror, hopefully second one not. Dun think i have energy to chase after boys. Hahahaha.


Active Member
The jiejie was taken care by my maid till meimei comes. She now goes childcare and maid take care of meimei.

Yah, i am back to work but once i am at home, i will take over the kids. =o)

She was with Nissi Childcare for less than 2 weeks, got tramatise that i gotta stop work for a month to look after her cos she cry non-stop, terrible nitemares and scare of anything, everybody..haiz...

Then a month later, i delivered meimei, so was on maternity leave, have time to spend with her. Eventually she got better then i sent her to Judes Childcare (blk 104) which she adapted okie.

I am working at Downtown East. Hehe.

My elder gal is a little terror, hopefully second one not. Dun think i have energy to chase after boys. Hahahaha.
So nice that you are working near home, so envious!

I also send Yang to Judes Childcare. Initally he was kind of reluctant to go and was always late. But now, he is super looking forward to going to school everyday. And he'll ask me "Do I have school tomorrow?" everyday :D
Hi Allycat?

U have 4 kids? Wow! how many boiboi and galgals?

Yah...quite happy with judes on hygiene, teachers, fees and their daugther enjoying gng there now. Initally was so afraid that she cant adapt/accept that i have to quit my job to look after her and baby......which i am not ready yet.

But i enjoyed my maternity leave taking my kids out and spending time with them.

Yah...working near is job..but of cos pay and title not as good. Have to lower my expectations. =o) for our children..=o)


Active Member
Hi Jorelle

I have 2 girls and 2 boys. The girls are in White Sands Pri and Yang in Judes, the youngest is at home (of course, haha). My MIL objected me sending Yang there initially as she said the teachers looked more like aunties. But now, she's glad that Yang is there after seeing him becoming to be more independent and the teachers in Judes are really professional. :D
Hi Jorelle

I have 2 girls and 2 boys. The girls are in White Sands Pri and Yang in Judes, the youngest is at home (of course, haha). My mother in law objected me sending Yang there initially as she said the teachers looked more like aunties. But now, she's glad that Yang is there after seeing him becoming to be more independent and the teachers in Judes are really professional. :D

Wow..2...2..good mixtures.

I love babies, but i scare taking care of them by myself lah. So likely stopping at 2. Hee..(unless got boy guarantee 'recipe) hahahha

Yah..i like Judes becos they have quite a no. of outdoor outings/activities every month.

Haiya. Aunties are at least better than the china teachers. (Nissi) Mdm Tay (with the PG class), though look aunt but she speaks in english and she has the most patience with the kids.

Think u could be staying around me. My blk is 105 and my mum is 184, jus behind white sands pri. But i hardly stay at my own house cos prefer staying with my parents, got companionship.


Active Member
Wow..2...2..good mixtures.

I love babies, but i scare taking care of them by myself lah. So likely stopping at 2. Hee..(unless got boy guarantee 'recipe) hahahha

Yah..i like Judes becos they have quite a no. of outdoor outings/activities every month.

Haiya. Aunties are at least better than the china teachers. (Nissi) Mdm Tay (with the PG class), though look aunt but she speaks in english and she has the most patience with the kids.

Think u could be staying around me. My blk is 105 and my mum is 184, jus behind white sands pri. But i hardly stay at my own house cos prefer staying with my parents, got companionship.
OMG, I'm staying at 103 but in law at 458. We're really just next to each other :p

Do you allow your girl to go for the water play (think its next week or month end)? Hubby doesnt allow yang to go as he's worry about the teacher-students ratio.
My gal is in the PG no waterplay yet

Actually i am quite concern abt that also. But than we dun want her to be left out or dissapinted..maybe we would let her go in future..

If yang dun with the rest, go wat does the schoool give him do in sch?


Active Member
Not sure leh. But I think I will keep him at home on that day, otherwise he will be very disappointed and wondering why he is not going with his friends.
Ar? U meant Yang jus started with Judes huh?

I guess they may put him with the other PG class, so that got teachers to look after him.

Maybe u can occasionally join them, so that yang can go?

Has Yang started gng to pools yet?

My gal loves waterplay.