Please share your birth story


Hi.. Im a FTM. Appreciate if you guys willing to share your birth story here.
My edd will be on the 29 Aug 2012 and planning to have a natural birth with no meds. Really need your support and motivation
for me to gain my confidence! Thanks. :)


I had natural birth with no epidural.... all birth stories are diff... u have got to be strong in ur thinking that u want it to be natural, esp when it's so painful. Jia you!
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hi ain, when the time comes, nothing else matters... just focus on pushing the lil one out. My lil out came decides to pop 4 days before my EDD. went thru natural delivery without epi. everything happened so fast. but during delivery it feels like a lifetime. :) i wish u all the best.
p/s: hubby's arm was full of scratch marks after delivery. =p


Hi Nana,
Lol..! :D how long was your labour and how big was your lil one?? Watching ppl giving birth online really terrifies me.. haha..


Hi Kylie,

Thanks for the support! I will try to be strong but thinking abt the tear, cut, stitching.. OUCH!! no strong already...


i went to the hospi ard 10+am and bb came out slightly before 2pm. everyone say it's a fast delivery for 1st delivery. *phew*
he was 3.7kg! i didnt watch any labour vids... since i want an ALL natural birth, didnt wanna scare myself by watching those vids.


Wow! That was really fast! and plus the huge baby i give u my salute man.. What made u to the hosp? Was it your waterbag broke or...?


I went to hospital ard 8.00 pm after my waterbag burst and some bleeding follow by contraction as well. I delivered my gal ard 10.30 pm with natural and no epi. The nurse told me I'm consider fast and gotta be careful for my second baby which is end of September. ☺


it feels like a lifetime... i had a few drops of blood in the morning and i called up the hospi to ask if i need to be admited. they checked with my gynae and told me to come immediately. i took my own sweet time to get ready while hubby kan cheong! hahaha! no contractions felt till i was in the car. my waterbag didnt burst. i still wasnt fully dilated when i reach hospi. my gynae come check check den go for lunch 1st. (-_-"') i was so determined not to get epi but once the contractions started getting closer... i ask for epi, den ask whether can do c-sect den ask what other options can i get... hahaha! but honestly, i'm glad i manage to go thru everything according to birth plan.


How does the contraction actually feels like?? I know many describe as mensus cramp but 1000x more painful. Is it bearable?? Which part do u feel the most intense?? Your back? Lower abdominal or the whole tummy??

I would really hope to have a fast labour like u guys.. Im trying to be as active as i could.


it's unbearable but we women can somehow go through it. most intense will be my tummy.... it's like super extreme bad tummy cramp. dun worry dear... u gotta relax... dun stress out unnecessarily. once ur lil one is out, u'll be super glad u went thru everything for him/her. :)


Contractions feel like bad cramp, and it comes in interval....

I had sudden crampy feeling one week before birth, by then I was 2cm dilated.. so gynae advise will be that period of time.... then few days before, cramp got worse, but bearable.... it just comes and go... eventually I was worried so I went to hospital...
Induced around 9plus and then gave birth ard 5plus. I think I won't survive the contraction if my husband wasn't determined enough too..he kept pressing the gas mask on me, and also due to the leg jab(?), I slip in and out of sleep... this power nap saved me cos partly I didnt really feel the pain, and I still have the strength to push when it's time! Less than 5mins of pushing and baby was out!


In 5 mins?? Did u get cut??

Anyway may i know at which week the gynae will check for your dilation? And is it painful?? How is tye process? My next check up will be on my 37weeks.


Nope. Nv cut, only a slight tear. Hmm, check the dilation by inserting fingers into back of the vaginal. Think ur gynae going to check soon. My first check was week 37 then gave birth at 38
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Contraction is like having bad mensus cramp. But it's will comes & goes...still bearable for me coz maybe i normally have bad mensus cramp every month before pregnant. After each pain then get yourself ready for next pain. So, i guess be mentally prepared for the pain. It becomes more closer and pain. I was holding my sister's hand and press very hard when every pain comes while my husband drive us to hospital. Her hand become "black green" after that. :)
Was dilated 4 cm when reached hospital. After about 30 mins it's almost 9 cm already and sent to labour ward prepared for labour. With 3 pushes, my daughter came out. I think doctor checked for dilation from 37 weeks by fingers into your vaginal. A bit uncomfortable but it's very fast.
I believe when the time comes, everything will take place naturally. For me , when I was pregnant w my 1st child, I was like u terrified of labor.. Didn't know wat contraction pain is like, shld I take pain relieve, will i b able to handle the pain,how's waterbag bursting like ... So on n so forth lol!!! too many things to think of la.. Hehehe.. But I was adamant not to take epi since I've hrd lots of the after effect of it..
So to cut short, my 1st labour was v long. I had contractions at midnight n have to tahan till 6pm the following day b4 they wheeled me to labour suite. The pain was unbearable so I tried using the laughing gas but it doesn't wrk for me so I pushed it aside n just focus on breathing .. Finally gave birth at 935pm 21 hrs of labour

And years later, I gave birth to my 2nd and 3rd too w/o any pain relief n naturally.. I just focused on my breathing and to take in the pain when contractions come n blow it away as it's gone :)

But every birthing story is diff.. So just do wat u think u feel ur body needs ..stay positive n support frm hubby is really crucial : )
Wish u all the best k