Pls share ur baby weight at 3 months


I'll kick start this thread:

Haan is female and weights 6.4kg, drink on avg 120 ml 7 times a day (Izzit very little?? Doesnt seem to increase no matter how i 'force' her)


My twin boys at 3 months were abt 6 kg each, they drank 90 ml every 3 hrs. Until now they 6 mths,abt 7 kg drinking abt 120 ml every 4 hrs...
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My twin boys at 3 months were about 6 kg each, they drank 90 ml every 3 hours. Until now they 6 mths,about 7 kg drinking about 120 ml every 4 hours...
Thanks for the update.. Tot Haan was light for her age and I'm worried cos she is not drinking more milk (PD says she shud b drinking 5oz when she touch the 3 month mark but she can only go 4.5 oz max). These days, she like goin on a diet.. 4.5 oz can last 4 hrs!

Mayb her weight gain is slowing down.. cant expect her to pile on like this!


haha i think your gal is fine. Even though my boys dun drink a lot, dr say its alright. He told me to feed them on demand.. i think not very good idea coz they dun demand for milk until they are really super hungry and end up only drink 120 ml..

try to feed every 3-4 hrly.. shld be fine.. ;) Now then they drink 5 oz and that is only when they are on form.. haha ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update.. thought Haan was light for her age and I'm worried cos she is not drinking more milk (pediatrician says she shud b drinking 5oz when she touch the 3 month mark but she can only go 4.5 oz max). These days, she like goin on a diet.. 4.5 oz can last 4 hours!

Mayb her weight gain is slowing down.. cant expect her to pile on like this!
actu what pd tells u is only a gauge. dun hav to follow exactly. some babies will drink more than the gauge while some drink slightly lil. we cant follow exactly.. my nephew also 3mth+, he is drinking 150 every 5hrs. my cousin told me if gif him early, he cant even finish 150ml, while ds can drink 180ml every 2.5-3 hrs when he was ard 3mth+ - 4mths..


Active Member
Isaac weight is about 5kg when he is about 3 months.

Feed every 3-4hrs about 120ml. So is about 7 feed per day.

He is almost 8 months now 5 feed per day (140-150ml) + 2 semi solid food replace in the lunch and dinner. His weight is about 8.9kg


Just went to the pd ytd and my baby girl is 6.8kg... she should be 3mths2weeks? Urmm, she is on total latch on when i bf so im not sure how much she drinks.. but she drinks every 3hrly..


Active Member
Mine is girl.
Weight at birth = 3.38 kg
Weight at 3 mths = 6.2 kg
At 3 months, was on full Formula milk, drinking 5 times a day, about 120-150ml each time. Came to about 600+ ml per day.


Well-Known Member
Mine a gal,
At birth = 2.1kg
3 months = 5.6kg
120ml - 3 hour interval in day
150ml - 4-5 hours interval at night.

Baby boy (3 mths 3 weeks) drink only 80ml to 120ml every 5 hours. Currently he is 7.4kgs. Just see the pediatrician on last night cause he drink really little milk and did not pass motion for 3 days. However, the doctor said don't force the baby to drink milk, just give when he demand : ( and mentioned that the baby may absorb all milk i feeding so did not pass motion. Is this true? Baby can absorb milk? I currently mix BF and FM.

The pediatrician said the baby may dislike the milk anymore, can start the cereal when he is 4 mths. Wondering should I start the feed him cereal when he 4 mths old.

Hi Wendy,
knowing that you also give ur son cereal recently. So how is it? He like the cereal? He still drinking milk? How much he drinking after he start with the cereal?


New Member

Mine baby gal,

Weight at birth 3.685kg
Weight at 3th, 9 kg
Weight at 9 mth ,11.9 kg.

She has been drink 200ml/every 3 hrs since 3 mth. now, 220ml also evry 3 hrs.
A lot right? if don't give her ,she will cry cos she still hungry, after drinking, she will fall asleep.
But to be fair, she's quite tall, follow daddy's height. Now 9 mth, 73.5cm.

I started her on cereal at 4 mths, she likes but still drink milk as per normal lor.


New Member
Thanks for this thread! I was always a bit worried because I thought my boy was drinking too little. Now it seems normal. He turns 3 months old later today.

Birth weight: 3.79kg
Current weight (3 months old): 6.45kg

Drinks anywhere between 80 - 120ml per 4 hourly feed. In the night, has gone up to 140ml before. He's started sleeping 6 hourly stretches at night.


Mine is a baby boy,

At birth = 4.2kg
3 months = 7.5kg
180ml - 4 hour interval in the day time

The last feeding milk time is midnite 12am or 1am. Will stretch up to 6 or 7 hrs and has his milk @ 7am the nex morning.