Pregnancy Taboos ?


New Member
  • Apple/Orange juice apple is good for your health and baby, but orange better dont take.
  • Watermelon what they say is watermelon is "cold food", i didnt eat watermelon at all so i not really sure
  • Cold drinks my gynae said "who say cant drink?" when i ask him can or not. LOL. so i just drink
  • Ice cream nothing happened to me when i eat icecream during pregnancy, but dont eat too much la, if not run toilet not good le.
  • Coffee/Tea coffee i think not good for health and baby, tea they say too "cold", i drink neither of them
  • Potato leaves/'Kang Kong' i only heard ppl say that eat that will leg cramp, not sure about it
  • Salted Vegetables unknown
  • Crabs what i know is old ppl say eat crab baby hand will very "itchy".
  • Mutton not sure


Active Member
I m a coffee person too.. must have a cup of kopi or tea in the morning or else I will yawn n yawn none stop n feeling tired. But since I m pregnant, I try to drink half a cup or maybe coffee with more water and less sugar but doesn't taste that nice anymore:wong5:

Read some info from Chinese Physician, they warned about taking barley and ginseng. But I thought ginseng is a good tonic for both mother and baby? Any mommies out there that have been taking ginseng since the pregnancy?? How about birdnest??
i know ginseng cannot take.
Early Pregnancy Risk With Ginseng
try googling on that.. many articles available.

bird nest can take, but in moderate amt.. excessive intake of bird's nest during pregnancy is said to cause allergies and asthma in babies after birth..


i know ginseng cannot take.
Early Pregnancy Risk With Ginseng
try googling on that.. many articles available.

bird nest can take, but in moderate amt.. excessive intake of bird's nest during pregnancy is said to cause allergies and asthma in babies after birth..
Oh dear oh dear... I hv been taking once a wk since a mth mum told me that she did consult the physician fr the chinese medicial shop n he told my mum is ok to take ginseng n moreover my mum said that my sister in law took ginseng as well during her pregnancy few yrs back....


Oh dear oh dear... I have been taking once a wk since a month mum told me that she did consult the physician fr the chinese medicial shop n he told my mum is ok to take ginseng n moreover my mum said that my sister in law took ginseng as well during her pregnancy few yrs back....
Just asked my mum again... she clarified she cooking "yang seng" and NOT "ren seng"... she know that "ren seng" is too tonic for pregnant woman... n now I m more confused.. I believe "ren seng" is what we call Ginseng BUT wat is "yang seng" call????:err:


Active Member
Just asked my mum again... she clarified she cooking "yang seng" and NOT "ren seng"... she know that "ren seng" is too tonic for pregnant woman... n now I m more confused.. I believe "ren seng" is what we call Ginseng BUT what is "yang seng" call????:err:
ren shen is called something like Panax ginseng while yang shen is called american ginseng.. ren shen is heaty while yang shen is mildly cooling..

normally renshen is just called ginseng while yangshen is called american ginseng..

another chinese herb to avoid during pregnancy is Angelica Root or dang gui..


I've heard of some food taboos from my sis-in-law, but sometimes i suspect she's a little too over. She listed so many stuffs that i couldnt take, & now i dont know which is true & which is not.

These are the stuffs she told me not to consume during pregnancy: -
  • Apple/Orange juice
  • Watermelon
  • Cold drinks
  • Ice cream
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Potato leaves/'Kang Kong'
  • Salted Vegetables
  • Crabs
  • Mutton
Are all these really food that expectant women should not consume ? :eek:11:

Other than food, she also told me i must not squat & tip-toe as well.
She nags a lot when i go to bed late. She says if i dont sleep at the proper bedtime, next time my baby will follow the same pattern. Really ?
I know we're not supposed to attend funerals. What about visiting patients at hospital ?

I'm confused.

Just wondering, how come the angmos whom did not avoid such taboos give birth to healthy babies as well? Also, we chinese whom follow strictly on the taboos, doesn't seems to be healthier (both mothers and babies) compared to other races.. So is all the taboos neccessary to follow?

My humble two cents worth, just follow those which make sense such as no raw food and caffine which is no good for babies development. Those 'cool or not cool' stuffs, just take it with a pinch of salt:)


ren shen is called something like Panax ginseng while yang shen is called american ginseng.. ren shen is heaty while yang shen is mildly cooling..

normally renshen is just called ginseng while yangshen is called american ginseng..

another chinese herb to avoid during pregnancy is Angelica Root or dang gui..

Hi Amulet, thank u for your info. So pregnant woman can't take this "yangshen" as well?? Do u mind to share wat kind of tonic do u take during ur pregnancy???


Active Member
Hi Amulet, thank you for your info. So pregnant woman can't take this "yangshen" as well?? Do you mind to share what kind of tonic do you take during your pregnancy???
yangshen is ok.. just don't take too much unless u are feeling heaty.. i didn't take tonics during my pregnancy.. the only thing i take regularly from last trimester onwards is pearl powder.. i take them 1 dose a day with normal temp water n before the sun rises.. it's said to give baby rosy lips and clear skin.. it's like a passdown tradition from my maternal side in penang.. not commonly hear of in singapore..

but coz pearl powder is cooling, cannot take too early in the pregnancy n cannot take too much also..

n occasional bottled bird's nest..