prenatal depression

ram rar

New Member
hi everyone, i'm new here and a new mother too ...due in Sept 2010...this is my first baby and i'm suffering from prenatal depression from the begining of my pregnancy stage, i'm always sad about my unhappy relationship with my husband... now and then it's hard for me to communicate and think positive about my husband sometimes i laid back and cried at home alone, i am sadder when my father and mother passed away this year, i cried and i cried also thinking of my lousy job(which they told me to resign) and my financial matters, i cried alone at home till one day my baby never move a bit..... i was worried ...i told my specialist about this and got scolded by her...she said i should come back to see her that time i was crying and dont know what to now i'm still me where can i get a good emotional support??? message me ...or reply to me asap...


I'm sorry to hear of your parents' passing and of your poor relationship with your hubby. Talking about it is very important. Helps to release the pressure inside. Try to go and see a counsellor and/or find a good friend of relative to talk to. If not, you can always dish it out here. We're all ears (or eyes actually :p ) Try your best to think of the beautiful baby you have growing inside you and all the wonderful things you are going to do with him/her when (s)he is born and grown up. (eg: I know my babies are still young, but I think of a few years from now, the 3 of us in the kitchen making cookies or cupcakes or in the study doing some handicrafts or in their room painting cartoons on their wall... stuff like that) Take your mind off the negative stuff. jia you!
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hi everyone, i'm new here and a new mother too ...due in Sept 2010...this is my first baby and i'm suffering from prenatal depression from the begining of my pregnancy stage, i'm always sad about my unhappy relationship with my husband... now and then it's hard for me to communicate and think positive about my husband sometimes i laid back and cried at home alone, i am sadder when my father and mother passed away this year, i cried and i cried also thinking of my lousy job(which they told me to resign) and my financial matters, i cried alone at home till one day my baby never move a bit..... i was worried ...i told my specialist about this and got scolded by her...she said i should come back to see her that time i was crying and dont know what to now i'm still me where can i get a good emotional support??? message me ...or reply to me asap...
Hi,did you let your Gynae know that you are emotionally unstable?
It is natural that you would be upset,give yourself some time,be positive.
Encourage yourself,no one can help you if you dont brave up,you can do it,this is just the difficult stage.
Settle things one by one,there is no such things as overnight all matter are solved.It is how you face.
First treasure the little life in is the greatest supporter,feel it.
Once you feel better,pick up from where you have fallen and move on.


New Member
Be strong ram rar mommy! your baby can feel whatever you are feeling now.
We are almost on the same situation but im trying all my best to stay happy and refrain from crying all the time. My BF run away when he learned that I am pregnant and he stop all communication with me. Then this same year my father passed away too. At first I seek attention, sympathy and advises from my friends. But after a few times I noticed that they are keeping their distance from me. Perhaps I have too much negative vibes for them. So I decided to find some other ways to stop my depression. I started to read baby books, browse online for baby stuff, check mummy help sites online.
You have to be strong for your baby because whatever you are experiencing and attitude now, your baby is already feeling it.
Talk to your husband, explain to him that you need his emotional support at this stage of your pregnancy. And do not quit job yet because you will need to financially support baby when he/she arrives.
You have to help yourself dear. You can always rant here and a lot of mummies will give you their advises.

Take care of yourself and baby ya.
