Protecting your mental health on the Online Community


New Member
The Online Community is a big source of support for lots of members. It can be a comfort to read that other members are going through a similar experience to you. However, it’s important to look after yourself online. Sometimes we may need different types of support depending on how we’re feeling. Sometimes it can be difficult to read posts where other people are talking about their experiences, even if those experiences are similar to yours. We want you to feel you can be honest and use the Online Community in the best way for you. We’re here today to talk about how you can look after your wellbeing online. We’re also going to talk about ways you can be mindful of other members’ mental wellbeing.
I was also aware that stress is very harmful to the human body and because of it, people who are subject to frequent stress age very quickly


Mental health is very important. If you don't take care of your mental health, it can cause more harm than physical injuries. I often observe people who have never had physical injuries but had mental problems. This is an important topic and it needs to be spoken about in all corners of our planet. Many older people face problems with untreated mental problems and can go crazy. They should resort to preventive measures, beginning with health insurance like secure horizons medicare and ending with meditation or walking or massage or smth that relaxes them. I can relate to people with mental problems and wish them all the best. Good luck, people, and take care of your health!


New Member
I agree that stress should be avoided because it has a very detrimental effect on the body. The long-term effects of stress usually lead to a wide range of cardiovascular problems. Under stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol), blood vessels constrict to direct more oxygen and energy to the muscles. But it also raises blood pressure. As a result, frequent or chronic stress causes the heart to work too hard and at too long intervals. I know this because I received a medical education with the help of
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