

Active Member
Kayka, my dad's hse is at Bedok and i am staying at Paris Ris with my in-laws.

Sad 33, i am watching my health, i do not wan to burden my husband or my children in the future, i hope i can leave without pain too. hee... I just came back from BKK and i pray to the four face buddha that hopefully i will not be that disrespect to my in-laws cuz no matter what, they are my husband's parents... i hope i can control my temper.

Sad 33

Kayka, my dad's hse is at Bedok and i am staying at Paris Ris with my in-laws.

Sad 33, i am watching my health, i do not wan to burden my husband or my children in the future, i hope i can leave without pain too. hee... I just came back from BKK and i pray to the four face buddha that hopefully i will not be that disrespect to my in-laws cuz no matter what, they are my husband's parents... i hope i can control my temper.
alisa, good good to heard that u are taking care of yr health. i used to disregard my health for more than 10yrs and finally now in my 30s i know the differences! shit shld have been a good gal to take tonic and eat good food from young :p but i am into taking good care of myself now! :D
U SO FUNNY! praying to learn to tolerate and have more respect to inlaws. lol. i just tell myself to keep my cool in front of them now and if they say something that upsets me, i just shut up in hope not to burst right on spot!!!
so envious of visiting BKK!!! I want shopping and buy a lot of things!!!! how many days u went? any fantastic buy?!


Active Member
tell u gals! Husband and me got conned in BKK! Our trip is for 3N2D, reach there evening and we went with his friends but they wanted to visit the grand palace while husband and me do not wan to so we wan to go pray to 4 face buddha and the hotel told us which BTS station to stop but that station is so far from the 4 face buddha lor... not even near to MBS! so we walk and ask around then sudden a guy told to us, he is working as a security guard at MBS and he said 4 face buddha cannot pray in the afternoon, too hot. Must go in the evening around 5pm to 9pm and he said he know a better temple, call Lucky Buddha Temple and he bring us there by Tutu.

When at the temple, he teaches us how to pray then show us to the main hall and ask us to take our time to pray to buddha so that buddha will hear us and we will have better luck, health etc. Then the guy left us as he said he is going to work. While we are sitting in the hall, another guy in suit came in. i actually cannot recall how the conversation started but i can rem he said he is working for a royal project la, he is here to teach the monk how to pray. He said he went to india & USA to learn the teaching of buddha & feng sui la. then proceed to said he sees my husband got good luck but my husband always hide in the shadow that why his luck are gone la then he looked at my husband's palm and said he should buy a feng sui stone to wear to keep the luck. He kept mentioning about feng sui stone and we are curious what is it that he kept saying it is good and he said it is orange sapphire and he go on about how good the stone is, bla bla etc and said he know a place selling it and today is the last day of tax free at the shop.

He even said he knew our minister and big ppl in Singapore. All in all, we totally believe in it and went to the shop he reconmand. On the way there, we are still saying, wow, we are lucky today! (haha.. stupid us) and its when we are choosing the stone size then my husband realise something not right but he never stop me and i agreed to a stone and they proceed with payment... only after we paid by credit card then my husband used his hp to search about this and realised we are conned... and there are several others too. The stone we got is real but the colour (orange) may be artifical added cuz orange sapphire is very rare... and the price we paid is not worth that high... anyway, we treat it as a expensive lesson learn... so if you gals went overseas and local approach you, do not believe them totally! This really spoiled our mood, its only the 1st day!

Other that the conning things, we do enjoy ourselves, buy lots of clothing for our son and totally 4gotten to buy anything for our siblings! hahaha...

Last day, my cousin (she is a thai) bring us to 4 face buddha, she afraid that we will get conned again so she follow us around. i tell the buddha that we get conned but i still prayed that ppl of Thailand will not conned others anymore.

Sad 33

hi alisa,
that's really an expensive lesson! lucky only some money parted or was it a lot? :D...always practice prudence when traveling oversea. i am a very 'scary cat' and i don't really believe in stranger esp in foreign countries. i was being followed once when i was alone shopping in hk as hubby there working, really scary experience as he followed me over a few blocks. another incident is that we are offered to brought to a place for nice pasta by an Italian when we were in Italy....my hubby initially wanted to go with man but i say no cos i scare they might collude and knock us out (with food) and do bad things. just practice great care when overseas.... i dun believe people approaching us and telling us how nice, cheap or good certain things are as why shld they be so 'noble' to tell u that?
the NUS guy in greece til these day still no news....
alisa, u are really kind hearted to pray at 4 face buddha to stop the people in thailand to stop conning people..hee.e.. i guess they do these as its their way to get quick money ba...


Active Member
ya... i thought both of us are vigilant already and i am the 1 who always regect wan but really don know why we will just follow him... the amount is about 1k lor... my husband read in internet about this scam and many of the said thai ppl do not feel they are doing the wrong thing in scamming ppl, they feel that as long they can bring $$ back and feed their family is good business... so sad...

ya ytd, my mil suddenly ask me "u don drink liang tea?" the way she say things are always very funny wan... like "u don wan to eat?" actually she should ask, "do u wan to eat? or do you wan to drink?" I very bad le, i replied her, "i don drink meh?" hee... then she said, she wanted to tell me she got boil liang tea. So i say, she got cook then i will drink. i am so bad.
Alisa,sad 33

Alisa,I'm at pasir is area too.And my parent's place is in Bedok.

Sorry, disappeared for a few days with the weekend plus i'm busy at work...cos i decided to take 1 day off yesterday! lol!

I think you both already a bit cannot take it liao that's why will answer back to your in laws and it certainly does not help that hubby does not understand. SOmetimes we just want to su ku and talk to hubby about it, just to vent some anger off but they get protective and flare up and end up quarrel...same lo for me last time.Thats why i contemplated divorce cos i felt so sad for myself. My mother-in-law last time when we were preparing for our wedding still can tell me say my hubby forehead shape means got high chance will divorce ! just because she and her daughter went thru a divorce at the same time doesn't alow her to say such things lo!

That's partly what made me hang on to my marriage cos even if it does fail, i don't want her to be the main reason!

QUOTE=Alisa;664187]Kayka, my dad's hse is at Bedok and i am staying at Paris Ris with my in-laws.

Sad 33, i am watching my health, i do not wan to burden my husband or my children in the future, i hope i can leave without pain too. hee... I just came back from BKK and i pray to the four face buddha that hopefully i will not be that disrespect to my in-laws cuz no matter what, they are my husband's parents... i hope i can control my temper.[/QUOTE]

Sad 33

ya... i thought both of us are vigilant already and i am the 1 who always regect wan but really don know why we will just follow him... the amount is about 1k lor... my husband read in internet about this scam and many of the said thai ppl do not feel they are doing the wrong thing in scamming ppl, they feel that as long they can bring $$ back and feed their family is good business... so sad...

ya ytd, my mil suddenly ask me "u don drink liang tea?" the way she say things are always very funny wan... like "u don wan to eat?" actually she should ask, "do u wan to eat? or do you wan to drink?" I very bad le, i replied her, "i don drink meh?" hee... then she said, she wanted to tell me she got boil liang tea. So i say, she got cook then i will drink. i am so bad.
hi alisa,
i don't know about yr mil but my mil perhaps use this "u don't drink/eat" method to exclude a share to me :p
just think that your mil is bad with words and not educated so u feel better..heee...
i always have to tell myself that my inlaws not educated (but in fact my fil is) but his behavior i just treat them as not educated and that they have old thinking..that is why so much unfairness gear to me. :p
oohh alisa poor me, i have inlaws visit this fri. haa..i pray hard that i have patience and torlence to get thru the few hours of unloved and boring session. the last one i kind of lost my cool....haa...but my situation is so insignificant as compared to u staying with inlaws hor....lol.

Sad 33

hi kaykay,
yr mil sucks to hell. how can she talk about divorce on newly weds esp the one person is her son? she is certainly crazy in her head? if wants divorce then why want u 2 to host wedding. crazy

ya u are certainty correct that as wife we just need outlet to talk abt the behavior of their parents. its due to the sons' overprotective and cannot see eye to eye that we women flare up!!!! completely agree...it is sometimes i just need him to listen on my view and comment. that's all
Hi Sad 33,

Haha! at the point when shet old me that, i was just thinking in my head 'no wonder she got divorced!'. lol! a bit siao !

She just very insecure la, she thinks our marriage and our life has to revolve around her. And that she very poor no money etc etc, my sis-in-law who is very successful in her career gives her $1000 per month and hubby used to give her $500 even though she lives with us and we pay for all amenities and everything. The whole 7 ish years i lived with her, toilet paper use until don't have liao and say i too busy forget to buy, guess what she do? she use tissue paper!!!! WHole 7 years never wven spend a cent for anything in the house!only know how to flood my stove area and slam things around to show her displeasure whic she is not entitled to! Some no sense of hygiene! only know how to dress up put eyeshadow until make-up thick thick but eat dinner liao my dinning table sure got bits of food everywhere, once i just left it though she will eventually see it bu end up mould lo! i think the eyeshadow block her eyesight or what!

It came to a point where i told hubby to just listen and keep quiet and that i dont need a respond from him!Just need to vent off some anger!

hi kaykay,
yr mil sucks to hell. how can she talk about divorce on newly weds esp the one person is her son? she is certainly crazy in her head? if wants divorce then why want u 2 to host wedding. crazy

ya u are certainty correct that as wife we just need outlet to talk abt the behavior of their parents. its due to the sons' overprotective and cannot see eye to eye that we women flare up!!!! completely agree...it is sometimes i just need him to listen on my view and comment. that's all


Active Member
Kaykay, so qiao! Our parents are staying at bedok and we are now staying at pasir ris!

most of the time i really am su ku to my hubby but he always flare out... really so sian lor... i got not where to turn too... that why i write diary & in forum...

Yr MIL so bad, like cursing yr marriage lor! she & her own daughter is already like that, she still wan his son to have the same fate as her? yes, u have to hang on to your marriage if not she will be very happy lor.

Sad 33, my husband also say thats the way his mom speak, tell me to just don care about her tone but whenever she speaks, i feel buay tahan liao so like i must answer back. then she will sometimes show me proud face like she win that kind. especially now she is taking care of my son during night feed so for sure my son is closer to them and especially these few days, when we are back from bkk, our son like don wan us lor... so sad... whenever we wan to carry him, he usually will stretch our his arms to us not since we are back, he never does that and when he sees us, he do not laugh like b4.. unless he sees my mil...

try to keep cool when yr in-laws come lor.. no choice but really sometimes need to show respect la, i am also trying very hard to show them tiny bit of respect. hee...
Hi Alisa,

My parents are at bedok south ave 1. I used to be at blk 535 pasir ris but shifted last dec.You?

Sad33, just do the minimal greetings and then 'shutdown'! lol! just eat your dinner and pretend you have earphones on!

Kaykay, so qiao! Our parents are staying at bedok and we are now staying at pasir ris!

most of the time i really am su ku to my hubby but he always flare out... really so sian lor... i got not where to turn too... that why i write diary & in forum...

Yr MIL so bad, like cursing yr marriage lor! she & her own daughter is already like that, she still wan his son to have the same fate as her? yes, u have to hang on to your marriage if not she will be very happy lor.

Sad 33, my husband also say thats the way his mom speak, tell me to just don care about her tone but whenever she speaks, i feel buay tahan liao so like i must answer back. then she will sometimes show me proud face like she win that kind. especially now she is taking care of my son during night feed so for sure my son is closer to them and especially these few days, when we are back from bkk, our son like don wan us lor... so sad... whenever we wan to carry him, he usually will stretch our his arms to us not since we are back, he never does that and when he sees us, he do not laugh like b4.. unless he sees my mil...

try to keep cool when yr in-laws come lor.. no choice but really sometimes need to show respect la, i am also trying very hard to show them tiny bit of respect. hee...


Active Member
Kaykay, my dad's place is at Bedok South Ave 2 and i am now stayng at Pasir Ris Blk 124. Will have my hse in 2014 at Punggol.
Hi Alisa,

Your current place is actually very near to my ex place lo.lol! And so is your dad's place to my parent's place.

Ok la, 2014 will come very fast

Kaykay, my dad's place is at Bedok South Ave 2 and i am now stayng at Pasir Ris Blk 124. Will have my hse in 2014 at Punggol.


Active Member
Hi Alisa,

Your current place is actually very near to my ex place lo.lol! And so is your dad's place to my parent's place.

Ok la, 2014 will come very fast
hee... ya. i hope too. my husband just now went to our new hse to take pic of the construction. can see our level liao cuz we choose 6th floor...
hee... ya. i hope too. my husband just now went to our new hse to take pic of the construction. can see our level liao cuz we choose 6th floor...
Hi Alisa

I think you may get your place mid to late 2013.

My aunty has a place in Ponggol, got her keys very early early.

Sad 33

hi ladies,
i back to work already after long m/c... sigh...now trying to get back to life even further.
u gals take care meanwhile but do continue to post yr complains so i can see and i will find time to reply..hheee...


Active Member
Sad 33, are u ok?

now i don bother, if she ask me questions, i will ask him to ask my husband.
My SIL is now doing confinement in our hse so the focus is not on me le. hee...

Sad 33

Sad 33, are u ok?

now i don bother, if she ask me questions, i will ask him to ask my husband.
My SIL is now doing confinement in our hse so the focus is not on me le. hee...
hi alisa,
i am good. :) getting better but still cannot delete my memory of m/c...how i wish i am pc sometimes... haaa...then that memory will be trashed away and no more heartaches already. :p
my cousin gave birth last mth, and memories resurface, accompanied by the fact that i am no longer bearing...
in fact i am bleeding in my heart and it is crying silently inside but so loud to my ears...its really hurtful.
i still have to visit and smile and pretend i am all well ..........it is so damn painful.....

pertaining to u and your mil....u are seriously funny. lol...u go to the extend of getting her to speak directly to son and not ask u anything. lol..... so funny.
good that there is change of focus. btw did yr mil do your confinement previously too?

btw as i complained to u that my mil so pissed off with me for not bringing her to holiday last year. recent dinner with her...i notice is getting more piss off with me. last time still talk and relate things to me...look into my face. now no look into my face already...haaaa..
she sure is hurt by our not bringing. but she shld have better common senses...