Recommendation needed for dermatologist for my 10mo


Active Member

My 10mo still has bad eczema. I tried all sorts of cream before : California baby (which had worked for my elder boy in a couple of months time in his first year of life), renew, cetaphil, sebamed, physiogel AI, etc, and finally even resorted to mild hydrocortisone cream from the PD. but the eczema still attacks all over his face, limbs and body every other week. My baby is on full breast milk and we hv not been able to identify any particular flare to any food I am taking. Wondering if I should take him to see a dermatologist who is good and experienced with infant skin problems.

Would appreciate it if mummies can share their experiences and recommendations. I heard that food allergy test for such a young baby is not accurate: not sure if this is true or not. If so, how else can seeing a dermatologist help, other than getting a stronger steroid cream which I am really hoping to avoid?
