Reflux condition in 2 months old baby


New Member
Hi, I need advice regarding my 2 month old baby who is having reflux problem. Although he is taking medication (Omeprazole) he is still throwing up milk almost at every feed. He literally threw up all the milk that i have fed him (120-150ml). How do I reduce the number of times he throw up and the volume of milk he throws up? I realize that he cannot have too much movements after feed (changing his diaper of bath him), if not he will throw up. I'll wait for about 30minutes after feeding him before I change or bath him but he will still throw up.

Although he does not cry for more milk after he threw up, I am worry that he will not get the nutrition he needs to grow. He is drinking soy formula as he is allergic to cow's milk. Currently, I am feeding him according to his demand. He will cry for milk at about every 4 hours during the day and about 6 hours at night. Does waking him up to feed him more often helps to reduce him throwing up or at least throwing up lesser milk? What other things that I can do to help him with his reflux problem?

Thank you and appreciate your sharing and advice.


Wa... Your baby is sleeping very well! 4 hours in the day and 6 hours at night! Have you rest well too? Ok, I don't have the same problem as you exactly. But when my child was 5 days old, she has this reflux problem and she keep vomiting out the milk I gave. Be it breastmilk or formula milk. Then I start to think that over overfed. Slowly, the problem gets better. She's 3 months old now still have this reflux problem occasionally. But don't worry, her PD told us that its normal. Cheers! :)


Active Member
my son also have reflux. what i did is hold him in a sit up right position after feed, anyway u will still need to burp him and let him stay that way for 1-2 mins then lie him down.


New Member
My baby girl also has problem feeding. She cries n refused milk for the past 3 weeks. No problems feeding her before so really not sure wats wrong. I read up on the symptoms of reflux and she seems to have reflux problem which is causing her to fuss during feeding. However, Sometimes she feeds with minimum fuss...really confused.. :(
Hi, you can first try by reducing the feed amount. Second, less amount but frequent feed. Maybe 3 hourly. After feed keep him in upright position and burp for a longer period of time.


New Member
Try a specialised inclined wedge built for reflux in the baby's crib. If you dont't wanna spend that kind of money, just raise the crib up a bit on one side (only issue is that bb might roll about a little sometimes depending on how he sleeps). The baby spends most of his/her time sleeping, makes sense to incline the baby esp for some refluxes that isn't easily detectable ie Silent reflux, and your little one isn't moving a lot (try swaddling etc, rolling around can means a slight increased risk for SIDS if you like leaving stuff around in the bed which you shouldn't be doing anyway). This simple but pretty effective method (esp with meds and special formula) gets passed on rarely, unfortunately.
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New Member
Magtpl: my lo who is 7 weeks old is going through exactly what you described. He would spit out atleast 2-3 times in a day after feed. I tried sitting him up and burping him well. I've also narrowed time between his feeds. Now 3 hours. And I see improvement. Actually just been 4 days but you can try