Rice cereal for 5mth old baby

Hi, my baby is 5mths now. The PD has advised us to start semi-solid food now. He asked us to start with rice cereals. Can anyone advise me on which is a good brand to start with?


My MIL says Eu Yan Sang sisen rice cereal is good - about 5 times more expensive than Frisocream series, but I reckon there must be more nutrition since so ex? My son also 5mths, but we haven't start on solids (though thinking about it). :)


Im giving happy bellies brown rice cereal. 3rd day only. But she hasnt learnt to swallow. She does kind of mash her tongue with some of the rice cereal. Can we train them to swallow?


Im giving happy bellies brown rice cereal. 3rd day only. But she hasnt learnt to swallow. She does kind of mash her tongue with some of the rice cereal. Can we train them to swallow?

How much does a tin of Happy Bellies brown rice cereal cost and where can we buy it? Thanks!


I have bought Happy Bellies brown rice and Cerelac white rice cereal for my bb to try on alternate days. He does knows how to swallow but still quite slow yet...think have to give him more time so that he will be expert in eating solid food. LOL!