SAHM- how much husband's income is enough?


New Member
Hi i am also a stay at home mum.My husband brings home slightly above $5k and i have 2 kids and a maid.My younger son's medical is $450 per month and elder son's childcare is $540 per month.I have a car and 4 insurance/endownment policies.3 yrs ago our combine income was 10k plus and we went for holidays every 3 mths.After i gave birth to my elder son (06/08) and cleared maternity leave 3 mths i went back to work.By 12/08 i found out i was pregnant again my husband told me to resign and i did.In 08/09 i gave birth and after that due to my son's condition and separetion anxiety i never went back to work.We have made do with what my husband is bringing home.We even put aside some money for savings.My husband has stopped going out for drinks with friends and i stop taking 2 many taxis and stop going for massages.What i am trying to say is you have to budget yourself.All of us had different livestyles before kids.
Today, a friend told me that she told her teenage daughters that they (she and husband) will not be passing any inheritances to them in future. This is because since they do not intend to burden their children, they will need the sums for their own retirement. She added that, of course if the children are caring, genuinely concerned for them, she might give them a sum. But she warned them that since she is a very sharp person, she can tell if they are really concerned or 'faking' to be because of money!

I think it is a good move! Kind of funny too.


Well-Known Member
That's good! My parents often tell me that my inheritance is my education and that's fine by me. It's not as if I'm going to disown my parents if they don't have any money left for me. I can earn that money with my education. Let them enjoy the rewards of their five decades of hard work.