Scheme gives divorced mums hope

Hi Mummies,

I have read an article about government offering some schemes for divorce mums that's coping with life in the present economy

You may like to contact Central Singapore Community Development Council @ 63709901 for more queries

Do share with me if you are having a hard time coping, I'll be glad to offer you my most sincere thoughts about the life of being a divorcee, especially with kids. It's not easy route but no one ever promise you that life will be easy anyway right?

Best Regards
Belinda Sng


New Member
hi belinda thanks for the info but what are the scheme available for single parents in terms of children education and house expenses??
Hi prue1411,

in order to to eligible for Hope Scheme, a divorce mum must meet the following citeria:

1) have the custody of the children
2) be a singaporean citizen
3) have no more than 2 children
4) be age 35 and below
5) earning less than $1500 per month

Beneficiaries will get:

1) Education bursaries for children from preschool to uni
2) housing grant
3) training grant so parent can aquire new job skill
4) utilities grant
5) cash incentives

All the above which will be pay out over the years are worth around $100k

One of the staffs contacted me this morning and I'm really thankful that this help comes in when I needed.

You can call this number @ 62742646 for more details but be patient because a lot of others are seeking help as well.

You can email me at if you have further queries.


Well-Known Member
Great , im glad that goverment can really help the divorce mum wif these scheme :)
Im once a divorcee wif a kid.
Attn all divorcee,

please take note that the application for this Hope Scheme starts from 1st April 2009, I'm not sure it it's just for 1 day.

Please contact the center if you have queries, they have great community workers helping out

Daddy D

Alpha Male
This the one?
CDC site says for Married couples, MCYS site says divorced and widow also can... confusing...
Just checking for a fren... she's in the midst of divorce... custody still not settled... so don't think she's eligible for this... sucks...

Welcome to CS CDC

HOPE applicants should fulfill the following criteria:
  1. Be married or is a divorced mother with custody of the children.
  2. Have 1 or 2 children
  3. Either the husband or wife must be a Singapore citizen, and the spouse must either be a citizen or a permanent resident of Singapore
  4. Have a monthly household* income of $1500 or below
  5. Age of the wife is 35** years or below
  6. Husband is employed.
This scheme will also be extended to widows.
I read that from ST, not too sure if it's the same.

I have stated the contacts in my earlier reply and please call them if you meet the citeria or let people who are eligible know about the scheme.



Well-Known Member

yes it's the same as wot Daddy D attached.. actually i'm one of the HOPE member scheme..but i'm the married one..

they will give u
- $50k housing grant
- $5k/each for training skills/job skills
- $1k for utilities grant (one tym onie)
- busaries for ur child provided they complete their school every yr..

* these r some of it tat i can rmb of..
I'm in the divorce scheme and really thankful coz I'm gng through a hard time now........

They also offer $20k for ligate which i will take once everything approval......anyway no intention to remarry or have a to devote my time doing more for my love ones and the society


Belinda Sng

blur blue

New Member
I am in the mid of it... i thought of applying as now i have not income from my husband one person support 2 kids .. but my pay is more then 1.8

blur blue

New Member
but i think there is no way that i can get any $$ from him right now just hope that in court the judge will pity me and ask him to gave more maintence i think
It must be hard now, isn't it? I went through that and even now. My x never even give a single cent for alimony, he doesn't even want to see the kid. But I have turn myself from a pessimistic to an optimistic person. All with the help of my family, friends and my faith.
Trust me. Learn to be forgiving and even if someone betrays you, let it go. I learn it through the hard way but it made me a better and stronger person.
Your kids will not be a burden (I felt my son was when I was having a hard time) They are there to make you hold on in life.
If you need someone to talk, PM me.
Take care!

Belinda Sng


Hi All,

please check out this website for more info about Hope Scheme and please let people whom you know that might need this scheme. You may get them to contact me @ 97832654 for more details as I have recently join them as a volunteer


Belinda Sng


How about the HOPE scheme can be extended to the married woman that is over 39 your old. She managed to have her first twin sons at the age of 36. I felt that the age limit for mothers is too restrictive.


This is a great scheme but the requirements and restrictions are still too tight.
I personally have my misgivings about this scheme....
When any CDC is involved, it's never a good thing, CDC staff only aim to meet their targets and close "cases".... Only the volunteers who have not much power reallycare for the needy people....
Especially the cash incentives to "help" the couple with family planning....

Still seems like a scheme to ensure that the lower income, lower educated families to have less children....

Other than that, it's a great effort by MCYS nonetheless....


Hi, Hmm I try applying for this scheme once but not successful. The reason was I'm under separation. I can't apply as single parent neither married as I don't have my ex's income and particular. Haiz. Somehow I'm supporting my boy own my own at the moment.