Serious ADVICE:Difference between SIMILAC INFANT FM (0-6mths...


New Member
Hi ,my son is now on partial BFing & FM .For the first 2 weeks ,he was having S'PORE made SIMILAC Infant FM (0-6mths).Thereafter,we switch to SIMILAC Advance formula (0-12mths) which was bought from M'SIA by my hubby's uncle.I seriously would like to know is there a differnce in the both & would there be any adverse reactions due to the sudden change ,?
My son now has been vomitting for the past few days .quite worrying.Im thinking whether should i switch back to SIMILAC INFANT FM(0-6mths) or another milk .?
I serioulsy need advice asap .I cant see my lil one throwing up alws .:eek:10::eek:10:


New Member
You need to trial and error. It is best to switch back and see if it is due to allergic reaction to the malaysian version. If after switching back and continues vomiting it could be due to other conditions like reflux or wind.