Severe Headache at week 38


Hi Mummies,

Has any mummies experiencing severe headache during the last few weeks of pregnancy?

I am having this tightness at the back of my head and lead to pain of my neck few days ago.

It had affected my sleep at night and I cant turn my head from side to side..

I had asked my hubby to massage for me or even take a hot shower but not helpful at all.

Any advice?


Active Member
try drinking more water?

i also having but i'm not at last few wks of pregnancy , instead i'm in trim 2 i start having it

sometimes might be due to heat nia , so far i got no help for it other den going to sleep to forget the pain , i donno wat else to do also , didnt dare to had any panadols either


Hi Xiaodaisy,

Thanks for your advice..I will drink more water..
I also don dare to take panadol..

But the pain can be unbearable at times..
Hopefully the pain can go away soon..

Is it common in pregnancy?


Active Member
it will be common during pregnancy , however not much ppl will have it

most of the times might be just lack of water so try having more often

ya, understand , the pain i cant stand either , sometimes i would feel like taking my head to bang wall haha

sometimes i will try to get hubby to massage or rub some medicated oil to ease the pain ..

hope it helps =)