Should i give him cereal???


My boy is almost 5mths old now, he super love his milk, tried to let him taste a few types baby food (taste only, nv let him eat) his face like so yucky.... like i make him eat poison haha.... taste porridge, his face still ok, but still he likes his milk....

As i understand most mummies start give cereal when baby is 4mths old... but since he is not interested,

1) What can i do now? shld introduce more types? or wait till 6 mths?

2) can i juz start with porridge when he is 6mths old?? Or do i have to start with cereal first?


Well-Known Member
wait till 6mths. tt's the recommended age for a baby to start semi solid. start with cereal 1st as cereal is more soft and smooth. =)