Slimming down


New Member
Hi, I am new to here. Does any1 have any recommendation to slim down asap? Or any effective slimming pills to recommend? I have give birth for 1 yr but I still haven slim down....


New Member
Hi all, I just browse thu some of the tread, I realize most of the mommy did lose weight after giving birth. I gain almost 20kg and after birth I shed 10kg now still left 10kg and I can't seems to shed off it. It's been almost a year after birth. Pls advice.


you can also try to take your dinner befor 7pm then after that dont eat anything or if really hungry you may eat fruits.. :)


New Member
thanks all. but i don't the time to exercise as i have to take care of my boy. and i also tends to be hungry and tired while taking care of him.

Nathaniel Mummy

New Member
thanks all. but i dont't the time to exercise as i have to take care of my boy. and i also tends to be hungry and tired while taking care of him.

Maybe you could try buying a jogging stroller so u can take care of him at the same time exercising. I did that 2 months aft giving birth and lose a few kg...


im also wonder does having irreg ms will affect our body and get fat easily ..?? Cause i had irreg ms and i notice i get fat easily too .. any one can advice ?


New Member
hi angelababi

i don't think so as before i have baby i already have irreg ms but that time i was already very slim. i weight at 42kg. Then after i have my son i ate alot coz he was hungry all the time while in my stomach that cause me can't slim down now. I manage to cut off 10kg. But another 10kg stubbornly following me....


cause i heard of irreg ms sometime affect hormones problem.. then if got hormone problem will easily gain fat.. i dont know if im the case like this . :( Cause i eat my same way but in 1yr time i suddenly gain 5kg ??? I also dont know what happens as now i been eating befor 7pm to shed away the extra 5kg:( ... then pigcanfly , did you ever think of going to slimmin centre to shed away your 10kg ??


New Member
thot of it but i am quite busy as taking of my son can be quite tiring and i have to look after him full-time haha. that's y thot of trying out slimming pills. recently came across d'tone and d'green thot of trying out and see whether that's result.


thot of it but i am quite busy as taking of my son can be quite tiring and i have to look after him full-time haha. that's y thot of trying out slimming pills. recently came across d'tone and d'green thot of trying out and see whether that's result.
hmm haha for slimming pills i only got thought of the reduze always showing up on tv .. but dont know is it effective .. for your brand d'tone and d'green i never heard of it befor how you come across this slimmin pills ?
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New Member
I didn't heard of d'tone and d'green before also just recently order online my son shoes from local site den came across this brand. Think is from Malaysia. And this local site also got quite alot of mummys join so thot of trying it also. This brand is natural slimming products


I didn't heard of d'tone and d'green before also just recently order online my son shoes from local site den came across this brand. Think is from Malaysia. And this local site also got quite alot of mummys join so thot of trying it also. This brand is natural slimming products
i see .. haha then its better to ask some mummies that had try this slimmin product befor for some feedback .. see got any sucessful case .. or any side effect too ...
sis can u pm me the site too .. wants to browse their product too .. lolx am curious for natural slimmin products


New Member
Can try drinking a cup of green tea after meals. Helps to increase metabolism and cuts the fats from food. :001_302:


New Member
Probably you have missed the "golden period" cos during breast feeding is the best time to lose weight. However, when we breastfeed, we tend to eat a lot more. When we stop breastfeeding, we will forget to cut down on the consumption. I guess exercise is still the better way. If you are too heavy to work out, you have to first go throught acupunctual cos that will make you eat less and lose some weight before you work out.


New Member
Can try acu cos it did work on my sis. She tried and said that it was good. It reduces her appetite and she can wear size "S" again. BUT must maintain then is the tougher route ahead.