Stocker - Trending Stocks


A simplistic app to follow the latest trends in the stock world.

Latest trending stock news
Grow your stock portfolio by staying up-to-date with the latest and hottest trending stocks in the market
With Stocker you can now get live news feed covering the most latest stock market news from around the globe.

Top stock analysis
Get daily stock analysis and recommendations from the top analysts in the market.
This app is not bad. However, all this information about the shares can be easily found on the Internet absolutely for free.
In addition, not only stocks are interesting in the world of trading, but also futures. Plus, this world is a bit complicated, especially for beginners. Knowing which stocks/futures are the best is not enough, but it is important to understand its principle.
When I first came to the world of futures trading, the only thing I knew was that I wanted to earn, and I learned the rest thanks to I had no idea what kind of world it was or where I was. However, I am very glad that I had the sense to find someone who would teach me everything.


New Member
Financial markets redistribute money flows among various industries, regions, nations, and players. Each has its own quirks and only performs functions that are unique to it. There are other market categories; for traders, the following one is the most accepted - based on the kind of instruments. As a result, everyone is free to make their own decision.