Stroller recommended for baby 1 mth old??


New Member
We bought mclaren XLR cos my boy is bigger
ive a 7 week old boy,i too bought maclaren XLR for $698 at baby hyperstore..gald i bought mi boy turned out pretty big..thou its sturdy,i like it bcoz its very smooth ride when pushing..anws i dun go out alone,its always either wid mi hubs or mom..and most of the times we either take mrt or taxi..


New Member
Hubby and I was choosing between Maclaren Techno XLR and Quinny Senzz. And we got the latter one. :)

For one, Techno XLR doesn't have those straps and can be quite troublesome to carry specially if I'm going to travel alone. And it's much heavier than Senzz. We just bought those pads that can make Quinny Senzz suitable for newborn/1month and the head support during Taka baby fair and we're very much happy with it :)