supply dropping!


Due to work pressure, I've been getting little sleep (also cos my baby still wakes 2-4x every night to latch on) and rest...... but I've been able to maintain my supply for quite some time. Until I had a blocked duct about a week and a half ago, supply dropped by about 2oz per pumping session and few days ago I was not feeling too good (fever, muscle ache) and supply took another dip! Gave DS 2oz of FM to supplement last week.... he's been on TBM for the last 19.5 months! He's an adventurous eater so I wasn't surprised he didn't protest much with the FM, just only at first!

I hope my supply can pick up again till my target of at least 2 years is reached! Any advice fm long-time breastfeeding mommies here? Thks!


BMSG Moderator
you did good already.. so please don't feel bad about having to give FM!

I think you've traced why your supply is dropping already. One solution if you want to build up your supply is to stay home the whole weekend and feed as often as he'd let you. Remember demand = supply.. so the more demand, the more supply. Then pump as often as you can at work... (new 'toilet' break? *grin*)

other than that... getting more rest and trying to minimise stress would be the other key factor. Don't know if you are co-sleeping with your toddler? Co-sleeping for me was the ideal way to get a good nite's sleep. You see, you'll surface from sleep just as the toddler wakes up (this may take some time to establish), offer the breast, let him latch and drift off to sleep together again.

Hope these suggestions help...


BMSG Moderator
HI sleepymama,

:) i can understand how you feel. i hope things are better now. :)

Yeah a nursing holiday would help a lot.

Generally in my observation, it takes about 4 days for supply to return after the hard work you do in nursing and pumping lots. Lots of rest and food helps too.

Personally i feel that if baby is already 19.5 mths. He can also consume other beverage eg. juices, etc... not necessary formula. This will take the pressure from you to produce more ebm to meet demand. And when you are back home, you can nurse away again. :)

You have been doing great! :) decide what's best for baby and yourself


rest more, drink more fluid, sleep when ur baby is having his nap. When you are relax, your milk will actually increase.


Hey thanks all! I'm still hanging on, supply is just-nice although a little more would be most welcomed ;)

Yes, i co-sleep with my boy but I work full-time, so I don't get any naps at all. I think I get only like 4-5 hours of sleep everynight, except the weekends when I can wake up a little later.

At work, I can only pump twice at most. Sometimes once, on really busy and hectic days. Eating oats and chocolates (haha!) used to help boost supply a little, but not anymore... sigh!