Sweet Cherry Baby Stroller & Infant Travel System


Travel system cost RM920, the plush seat pad was RM46. In total we spent RM980. Used this travel system for 6-7 months before we started using a baby carrier and spare stroller. It's in great condition! We wiped the stroller wheels everytime we came home - that's how we take care of everything, including the stroller.


- forward facing and front facing

- lie flat feature for baby to sleep comfortably

- front swivel wheels

- extended hoods as an integrated sun visor

- Age suitability : from birth to 15kg

- Seat that reclines to 3 comfortable positions with ease
- Weight 8.2kgs

- wide wheels so it's less bumpy for the child

Watch a video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPpsJDJ4s2A

Infant seat

- Group 0+ (<13kg) rear facing infant car seats
- Light weight portable carrier and rocker
- Adjustable handle with smooth grip
- Comfy head support, chest and buckle pads



bumping this up, I want to move this stroller asap as I am moving houses and don't want to take it along. Thanks